Ding ding Hot Toys vs. Takara fanboys ^^^^^ fest begin!
Nahhh, just like I own both Blu-ray and HD-DVD, I also own HT and Takara Batman and like them both....
Like everything else in life, they both have positives as well as negatives.
Positives for HT are:
Awesome Batman and Bale sculpt
Awesome posability
Awesome belt
Awesome gun
Awesome boots (although the weak ankles ruins it a little)
Awesome quality cape although not awesome cape attachment (grr)
Negatives for HT are:
Needs the stand more than it should (the only big gripe for me)
Suit a tad too bulky and puffy (not the end of the world, or is it?)
Cape attachment
Hand pegs require freaking plyers for removal
Positives for Takara are:
Tight and svelt suit and body
Awesome standing stability
Shiny arm cuffs
Well proportioned head scult (more like kick ass)
Cape attachment although not great quality cape although knowhere as horrendous as the DC Direct cape...that's an abortion of all capes ever made!
Negatives for Takara are:
Ugly ass boots (although the stability makes up for it)
Face paint could be better, doesn't match the sculpt and proportions
Posability could be better
See, I love them both....
Thank you