Hot Toys 1/6th scale The JOKER Photo thread

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Been done a million times. Please dont continue it. Im sick of that debate. I already ordered the HT one, so.
the one on the left is hot toys and the one on the right is dc direct. which one is better?

Great shots Pjam! Where did you get the table and chair? They both look fantastic for the IR!

Thanks B! Table and 6 chairs were 21st Century I think, or maybe it was In the past toys. I got them for an ALIENS set up and painted them silver. :D
They sure came in handy. Chairs have no backing...

For anyone who missed the pics they're here on page 137. Cheers. :D

Pjam are u gonna post a review on youtube

No, pjam don't do that :lol. I did post a mini review a ways back. Here it is... first thoughts, anyway...


I know I'm late to the game, but here goes... straight out of the Box...

First impressions: Amazing outfit detail, nearly perfectly layered. My Tie was in good shape too, no awkward looking collar, I just slipped the tie up some...

Pants, awesome, the green vest has velcro but I don't mind it at all, but the outfit is killer, nice chain, gloved hands are dark purple, outer jacket is NOT too dark, I think it's just right and I've seen it in person (However, it is new material and has a sheen, the Actual Joker jacket is a muted color and made of wool I think.)

The Sculpt.

In a Word.

MENACING. That is how I describe this figure. Menacing.. .and it is friggin scary looking. Does it look like Heath? Not really, from some angles yes. Does it look like Joker. Yes, absolutely...

Nits.. I don't like how the eyes were painted, the pupils are looking too far up, obviously to pose him with head looking down, which is cool...

I think as we've seen, a touch up in the eye make up area brings a lot more out of this... certainly a lot more TDK features...

Overall. Outstanding figure, displays really well...

EDIT: I forgot to mention the knife is retractable, it really works. Very Nice.

Got Batman too.. nearly flawless Figure. Seriously bad ass...
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Hey all, finally got my Joker in a few days ago. Great figure, pics really don't do it justice. However, I felt an urge to do a repaint. My brother kept telling me to just leave it alone and not mess with it, but I couldn't resist. Personally, I think the added paint around the eyes makes it more film accurate. I just hope I didn't screw up the figure. I didn't want to go overboard with changes just yet. What do you guys think?


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Great repaint...I went through the same thing yesterday, will post some better quality pics soon. I would say that there is no reason to be scared of messing it up as long as you build it up slowly and know when to stop it should turn out great. I also agree that painting the eye makeup as you have done makes it a lot more movie accurate! Good Job :rock
Tone down or get rid of the orange paint for the skin tones. It doesn't look convincing at all.

Beyond that...


:fireworks :fireworks :fireworks :fireworks
Oompa loompa doopiedie doo.


Yeah, aside from that, its quite good. I cant wait to paint this sucka!