Just got a deluxe today from a member here for what I think is a great price. About $290 shipped and man this thing is a beast. First hulk figure and I love it
For those who own this and the Avengers Hulk, any preference? Considering adding a Hulk to my collection and curious what folks think of those two. Not interested in the gladiator Hulk. Thanks!
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Well, with regards to my last post, I was able to find an eBay seller parting out the pants from the Hulk/Banner set, so now he truly feels like Hulk to me.
Oh wow! So you were able to find someone selling the pants from The Avengers version? I wouldn't mind finding a pair of the pants too as I have the Age of Ultron deluxe Hulk and do think the ripped pants make him look more like Hulk then the purple pants we get with him. I'll have to keep my eyes peeled on ebay for those pants.