Super Freak
This thread should be locked for all eternity.
I don't think Batman Returns is coming anymore. I kinda, sorta had faith we'd see something this Spring/Summer, but the fact that the brand/license logo has, to date, NEVER been in any of their catalogs leads me to believe it ain't happening (that and the fact 2014 and 2015 will be filled with blockbuster Disney/Marvel movies that Hot Toys are already developing).
The fact that they were beaten to the punch by Mattel (and their multiverse line) makes it sting even more. Makes me wonder why Hot Toys teased this back in 2012 in the first place. It just seems so damn nonsensical looking back. What exactly did they achieve by doing that? Why not just say straight up in their QnA's that they're never coming?
Didn't the head of Hot Toys just say in a recent interview that Batman Returns has been put off until 2015 or 2016 due to various licensing issues? I'm pretty sure I read that somewhere.
I really want a Michelle Pfeiffer Catwoman but Anne Hathaway will tide me over for now. And who knows...maybe Hot Toys will surprise us with a Julie Newmar Catwoman soon.
Oh, okay--well that's awesome!
Just looked at thread about the fake interview. I've never liked April Fools, or practical jokes in general.
One's thing's for certain--I'll never believe anything OSR says ever again. You don't post April Fool's bull---- on March 31st. You also don't make it sound so serious that it seems plausible.
I swear--any site that traffics in posting news should have a "No April Fools" policy.
I ain't never bought no Iron Man figures.
Where mah Batman Returns figures at?
So not supporting HT current line of figures will convince them to do Batman Returns? Got it.