What makes this design so awesome to me is that there is nothing farfetched about it in terms of Predator mythology. As evidenced multiple times throughout the series, Predators have been hunting on Earth for thousands of years. In the most recent movie, Predators, samurai armor is found aboard the downed Predator ship that Laurence Fishburne's character has turned into a hideout. It's entirely valid to assume a Predator might have taken influence from the samurai, and fashioned some unique armor for himself.
In the AVP movies, they suggested that the Preds influenced and taught humans the different architectural and writing styles. So this Pred could have influenced the Samurai way of life.
The best is, you can just come up with your own explanation, whatever makes more sense to you. As long as you like the figure, then your set.
But be careful what you post or you could be considered a"Souless Waste of space" by some people.
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