Well hold on, it's been a long time since I was a regular in 'new Hot Toys figure' threads but, as I recall, the pattern used to be ''you have to see it in hand'' Then if you were still criticizing it after getting it in hand the retort became ''so why did you buy it

It can't be both ways.
It won't always be both ways. You've been around here longer than i have, so you know full well there are more than two camps. There are a great many different sides you can come down on. For a lot of people, it will simply be price. I am mostly priced out of owning Iron Man due to the inflated price(Remember when they used to sell these things for less than $200? Pepperidge farm remembers), but that doesn't stop me perusing these threads and enjoying images posted by other people. Especially with an incredible, seminal suit like this one.
I can understand the "I don't like the final product, so i am cancelling" side, as these cost a *lot* of money, and if you don't like it, then don't waste your cash on it.
I also fully appreciate the "Man, i love this character, but i wish they had executed the figure better", and being sad over a head, or two extra millimetres of shoulder armour due to articulation issues, etc. Any change from the proto to the final can be a reason to cancel and put your cash towards something more deserving.
There's really no end to the reasons a person could have this on order and legitimately decide it's no longer for them.
And this is the discussion forum, after all, and it's always great to see so many differing opinions, as we are all different. you will always have on one side, people who gush about the figure non-stop, and post great pics, and on the other side, people who constantly moan as though, somehow, they HAVE TO BUY THIS, and are dreadfully unhappy about one detail.
What i can't understand is a constant hammering of an opinion, where person A says they don't like something(Based on pics from a youtuber, let's say), person B pipes up with the item in hand, and likes it, person A chimes in again with the reasons he doesn't like it, then person C comes in and says they just got it and it's great, but person A comes back with more reasons it's rubbish, and so on.
We get it. It happens in every Marvel thread. It's only opinion, after all. We all have one most of the time, and for the regulars among us, those with strong opinions seem to broadcast them more often and louder, but i often shake my head when person A Keeps. Posting. It's. Rubbish. Over. And. Over. And. Over.
Like as though those of us who are either indifferent, or even like the item in question, are wrong, and here's a list of reasons why.
Facial schema and pareidolia play a huge part in whether you "see" the subject in a 1 inch high face. Some do, some don't. I see a lot of RDJ in this sculpt and, with them getting into more people's hands, we are see the *fact* that plenty other owners see it too. It's fine if you don't. I just don't understand why someone would try and relate that *opinion*(It's only opinion after all), over and over. We heard it the tenth time, lol.
I love this figure and this Headsculpt !
Beautiful. Thanks for posting the pics! This is my fave. Looking forward to seeing more of that headsculpt(And i'd love to see it on a clothed figure if you are able to take pic of that).