Got him in today! My first diecast Iron Man and wow, compared to my old plastic Mark VII (still a stellar piece), it's such a difference. I don't know if I'll get the Battle Damaged one or when I'll pick up the L/XLIII (the same store has the latter for a little cheaper then Sideshow's deal but we're not sure if it's the reissue), but I got this for close to $350 I think. Def had a really good deal thanks to other factors.
My only complaints were putting in those god damn batteries and the stand feeling really shoddy, especially since I have a used Iron Spider and his stand is really good. Only other thing I can think of is the lack of accessories. Is he compatible with the pieces from the L? Alternatively if the BD 85's pieces are interchangeable, I'll get some of them. Beyond all of this, he poses like a dream too and with the Nano Refocuser, he looks absolutely awesome and has such a presence.