HOT TOYS "AVP" FIGURES - Give Some Love to the Classics!

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Those pics are gorgeous, fosing. Low light really helps those colors pop. Congrats on snagging him. May he live long and prosper on your shelf ;).
So did you buy it from PVA? I could of swore he bought it from Elvis back then. Damn thats a bad ass custom....LUCKY!
yeps, PvA had it on his grail sale. if i remember correctly, this piece didnt last more than 10min on seb's original sale thread, i was about that late.

i really love the paint apps on this one. it looks great with 2 guardians on his side as his lieutenants too. almost matching skin tones, easy recognition which one is pack leader.:lol
yeps, PvA had it on his grail sale. if i remember correctly, this piece didnt last more than 10min on seb's original sale thread, i was about that late.

i really love the paint apps on this one. it looks great with 2 guardians on his side as his lieutenants too. almost matching skin tones, easy recognition which one is pack leader.:lol

I still think it was such a douche move he made trying to make a profit from that sale. Seb himself PMed him about it. It really pissed him off. First the guy is talking about how he'll never let him go because it's such a grail. Then he jacks the price up over $100 bucks for what he paid for it. I mean come on. I call ********* on that.
I still think it was such a douche move he made trying to make a profit from that sale. Seb himself PMed him about it. It really pissed him off. First the guy is talking about how he'll never let him go because it's such a grail. Then he jacks the price up over $100 bucks for what he paid for it. I mean come on. I call ********* on that.

:lol that's funny, was that meant to hurt my feelings?? Cause it didn't.

Everyone on here, and anywhere else is trying to make a profit off of something. I don't see anything wrong with it.
I'm not trying to make profit on jack and neither is EndIessRAlN, in fact he hooked me up in the past.

:lol I didn't do anything wrong. Seb told me he'd be selling it for $400 but he needed fast cash.

So I didn't sell the thing for what I paid for it oh well. Seb was probably just jealous because I got more money for it:lol
(just an assumption)

I never really liked it anyway. I'm glad it's outta my collection:)
I still think it was such a douche move he made trying to make a profit from that sale. Seb himself PMed him about it. It really pissed him off. First the guy is talking about how he'll never let him go because it's such a grail. Then he jacks the price up over $100 bucks for what he paid for it. I mean come on. I call ********* on that.

bummer. its pillow talk hype.:slap

no worries, you cant help it if he changes his mind like women do on clothes or shoes.:lol

anywayz, i'm happy to take if off of him if he didnt like this piece. this piece of art will forever be appreciated in my lair that's for sure. once again, hats off to Seb.:clap
:lol that's funny, was that meant to hurt my feelings?? Cause it didn't.

Everyone on here, and anywhere else is trying to make a profit off of something. I don't see anything wrong with it.

Not really. I don't really care much for your feelings. :lol
It's your call to make a profit. But for a custom piece that Seb hooked you up on which you kept in your collection for like a few weeks then jacking it up by that big of a margin, I call ********* on that because that's just wrong in my books.

I'm not trying to make profit on jack and neither is EndIessRAlN, in fact he hooked me up in the past.

Now now. Profits are made here and there for what items are worth. I was more upset with him bragging about how much the item is his grail and how Seb's work is so amazing then boom, 2 weeks later he tried to sell it. I can still understand if he doesn't want it anymore I mean people's tastes change over time, but trying to jack up the price so much in such a short time leaves a bad taste in my mouth.

You're good peoples denger4000. Fellow New Yorkers gotta stick together right? :D

:lol I didn't do anything wrong. Seb told me he'd be selling it for $400 but he needed fast cash.

So I didn't sell the thing for what I paid for it oh well. Seb was probably just jealous because I got more money for it:lol
(just an assumption)

I never really liked it anyway. I'm glad it's outta my collection:)

No one said you did anything wrong. You broke no rules. I just think what you did was inconsiderate. No rules on here says you can't be a ********* but no rules state that I can't point out that you are one for it. :lol

Wow really? I hope Seb reads this. I hope all customizers read this. Don't sell him any custom works because hes just gotta try to flip it in the future. You totally loved that Zombie Predator...for a whole month. Now you're saying you never liked it. Who can actually trust anything you say from now on?

bummer. its pillow talk hype.:slap

no worries, you cant help it if he changes his mind like women do on clothes or shoes.:lol

anywayz, i'm happy to take if off of him if he didnt like this piece. this piece of art will forever be appreciated in my lair that's for sure. once again, hats off to Seb.:clap

I guess. It's up to him. But Seb being a a friend, I just find it hard to sit by and tolerate this. I don't like to see good people and their art being stepped on like this. I'm glad that masterpiece is finally in the hands of a true collector.
So I didn't sell the thing for what I paid for it oh well. Seb was probably just jealous because I got more money for it:lol
(just an assumption)

Yeah, that's most probably it. It's not because he poured his heart and soul into painting a rare figure or anything like that :rolleyes:.

I never really liked it anyway. I'm glad it's outta my collection:)

Assuming that's true (I don't even know anymore), then why buy it in the first place? If you want to buy things impulsively and get into the crazy debts you're getting into, that's cool. But you're not the only one getting hurt when you do this with customs.

EndIess, totally agree with you 100%. I'm just glad this whole fiasco's over and fosing has the figure he wanted ever since Seb originally put it up.
Really wish i had been a member here back when he made this custom, it's absolutely amazing.. As for the guy who seems to get into trouble with everything he sells/buys... I'm not sure you know the meaning of collecting, or even deserve to.. I don't get why you would randomly buy an amazing figure like that, then just sell it two weeks later and say "Well i didn't like it anyway"............ If your goal is to just keep making more, and more money by selling the things that YOU COLLECT, whats the point? :dunno
Yeah, that's most probably it. It's not because he poured his heart and soul into painting a rare figure or anything like that :rolleyes:.

Assuming that's true (I don't even know anymore), then why buy it in the first place? If you want to buy things impulsively and get into the crazy debts you're getting into, that's cool. But you're not the only one getting hurt when you do this with customs.

EndIess, totally agree with you 100%. I'm just glad this whole fiasco's over and fosing has the figure he wanted ever since Seb originally put it up.

:lol what I meant was I "liked" it, but I didn't like it, like I like my P2 Elder. I just couldn't appriciate it enough I guess?

Also, I've had it for a month, if not more. It didn't fit into my collection(even though it was an AvP Pred, which is mainly what my Pred collection contains)

now, I've got a Man on Fire and The Book of Eli custom, and FML's custom Scar which I can appriciate. Not to mention a HT Apone custom as well.

I've only had 3 problems here(2 were from selling, 1 from buying)
Whatever dude, everything you say is full of nonsense...


Seriously? Whatever bro, this whole calling my "*********" crap is all over a FIGURE a materialistic object, which I sold for $100 over what I paid for it. It was my choice, and MY figure to get rid of. What business is it of your guys's what I do/did with it?

Get off your "Holy'er than Thou" attitudes.
:lol I didn't do anything wrong. Seb told me he'd be selling it for $400 but he needed fast cash.

So I didn't sell the thing for what I paid for it oh well. Seb was probably just jealous because I got more money for it:lol
(just an assumption)

I never really liked it anyway. I'm glad it's outta my collection:)

I just can't believe i just read that.
DUDE you send me tons of PM's because you really wanted this figure and bla bla bla and they you say that you didn't liked it anyway.

I think it's a total lack of respect to me.

I just can't believe i just read that.
DUDE you send me tons of PM's because you really wanted this figure and bla bla bla and they you say that you didn't liked it anyway.

I think it's a total lack of respect to me.


Hmm, never got constructive criticism before?

Anyway, I respect your work I just couldn't appriciate this perticular Pred. Sorry.

Like I said, it's a figure I sold it, made a $100 profit, it didn't fit into my collection, otherwise I would've kept him.
:lol I didn't do anything wrong. Seb told me he'd be selling it for $400 but he needed fast cash.

So I didn't sell the thing for what I paid for it oh well. Seb was probably just jealous because I got more money for it:lol
(just an assumption)

I never really liked it anyway. I'm glad it's outta my collection:)
