HOT TOYS "AVP" FIGURES - Give Some Love to the Classics!

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Yeah, but it's still a FIGURE. Who cares that I made a $100 profit on it.

Well now it really is quite a mystery why you collect. It could have been a figure, a car, a painting, whatever. What it is is no excuse. It's the principle. I would've sent it back to Seb for a refund of what you payed, and had him sell it himself. You'd break even (and not a cent more) and he'd have the rights to his creation again. True, after he sold it to you, it was yours, but as a custom, it must've burned at the guy who painted it to know you went through what you did and then sold it for profit. It's like kicking below the belt.

Seb, to clarify things, he doesn't buy/sell stuff to make a profit. He constantly buys things (many times without planning) and must sell them when the figures he really wants come out. Which is a little too often for financial comfort, clearly.

But all of this aside, let's forget about it and move on with the thread. Here we're all about giving love to some great old figures, not giving static to someone who did something that borders on being plain shameful.
Everything PvA says will eventually be contradicted by himself in the future. Man says one thing and means another. It's not about the figure. It's about integrity. Integrity, and respect that a real man should have for others. You obviously can't understand that. All you can think about is making a buck off someone else. You're not a collector. You're a flipper. You sir don't belong here.

Seb, ignore this ********* and be on with it. Anymore words wasted on this punk is nothing more than what I just said it'll be. A waste. I just find it funny that every time he opens his mouth he just makes himself look like a worse and worse guy. I hope no one will ever deal with you ever again PvA just on integrity alone.

Oh and having only 3 bad transactions here isn't something to brag about. I've had ZERO bad transactions here. And so have hundreds of other people here. I say having just one lousy transaction here that couldn't be worked out immediately is one too many.
You guys should cut Predator vs. Alien a break. I'm pretty sure he is a bit younger then most of you (17ish), and when you guys attacked him for selling, he just retaliated without thinking.

I personally think its a great looking Pred, and he will probably regret selling it, even at $100 profit. Either way, I hate seeing bad blood on the boards.
You guys should cut Predator vs. Alien a break. I'm pretty sure he is a bit younger then most of you (17ish), and when you guys attacked him for selling, he just retaliated without thinking.

I personally think its a great looking Pred, and he will probably regret selling it, even at $100 profit. Either way, I hate seeing bad blood on the boards.

I kinda of agree and kind of don't. We have a lot of younger collectors here that aren't old enough to buy a pack of cigarettes legally yet but they never came off like this nor have they ever had any bad transactions. Actually some of the most respected members here are really young. I say age doesn't matter. He's still a ********* in my eyes and I still hope no one here will ever deal with him ever again just out of principle but yea let's just squash it if no one is upset about it anymore.
I was able to add Celtic Predator back into my HT collection recently and am very happy to have him back. I sold my original one a long time ago and regretted it quite a bit, so I'm very happy to have one at a great price that is also in perfect condition. I'm never letting this figure go again.

I had inquired about that Zombie Predator as well, as it was one I was very interested in owning back when elvis1976 put it up. I'm happy that fosing got it though, as I'm sure he loves it as much as I would have. I'm still very happy to just have Celtic back anyhow.
kinda tempted to get at least one of these AVP guys, maybe i'll save up and get scar or celtic but the prices are outrageous, i was just looking for one in ebay and they dont go lower than 750-800 bucks. like i said, im tempted but the only thing i dislike from these are the damn wired dreds!:mad:
Love the AVP preds. But I still cant get over the head sculpt. It looks weak to me. Everything else is perfect though.

Just so you guys know, I just happen to have bought a recent custom piece from Seb ( still waiting and hopefully it will arrive soon) and regardless of how many other figures I will sell in the future, I don't think I will ever have the heart to sell anything made from seb . The guy is one of the best talented artist on the board

I will post some pics of my new Seb custom as soon as I get him



Just so you guys know, I just happen to have bought a recent custom piece from Seb ( still waiting and hopefully it will arrive soon) and regardless of how many other figures I will sell in the future, I don't think I will ever have the heart to sell anything made from seb . The guy is one of the best talented artist on the board

I will post some pics of my new Seb custom as soon as I get him



And the man doesn't use airbrush! That's just crazy because you can't tell with his paint jobs.

Just so you guys know, I just happen to have bought a recent custom piece from Seb ( still waiting and hopefully it will arrive soon) and regardless of how many other figures I will sell in the future, I don't think I will ever have the heart to sell anything made from seb . The guy is one of the best talented artist on the board

I will post some pics of my new Seb custom as soon as I get him



Yep, Seb is pure genius :exactly:
I'm lucky enough to have this masterpiece :yess:
This really blows.. I saved up 400$, spent 365 of it on my first HT AvP Pred from some person on Ebay about 3 weeks ago (17 days), and i still haven't gotten it.. Been messaging the person about it for a few days now, and of course. No reply. It could be here tomorrow, but i just get the feeling that somthings wrong.. I even bought some custom accessories for him :monkey2 It's not that far away either, Ohio-->Oklahoma... :(
At least you are covered by ebay for the money, you will get the money back either way.

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