Hot Toys - Back to the Future - 1/6 DeLorean Time Machine

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I just gotta ask how many of you when you get it are gonna have Marty in the movie poster pose of him getting out of the car ;)?
I just noticed something when looking at the first and second pictures (doors open then closed) in the gallery on the sideshow collectibles website. if you look closely at the front wheel it looks like it has started to move out on the second picture. I dont think it would be caused by the steering function so maybe the wheels have always been able to move, or maybe i'm just hopeful :pray:

Either way I can't wait for this to land!
I only have room for the flying one - to hang from the ceiling... but I don't like the idea of the wheels being permanently in flying position... I wish they would do as some others have suggested - making one release with swap out parts so it could be adapted to version 1 or 2. I doubt it will have any extras though, they would have advertised them ahead of time, like the stuff they added to the Hulk Buster.

Someone mentioned an exclusive version? I didn't even know there was an exclusive version of this - or did I misunderstand?

Wheels only to be positioned in the flying mode. I guess we'll know for sure once it goes to pre-order.
If it's BTTF I'm buying it. The well has been dry for too many years with crappy minimates as the only toys. Stop complaining, and start saving. Or, get out of the way...cause I'm ready to purchase now.

Quoting this post so that I know to go back and rep it when I get home. IronManny summed up exactly how I feel.
I just gotta ask how many of you when you get it are gonna have Marty in the movie poster pose of him getting out of the car ;)?

I am. :duff Marty is ready and waiting.

I think this picture will help in the "do the wheels move from normal to hover mode" debate

That definitely confirms the wheels move but I was thinking that they were all the same model. Having seen the under side of this flying delorean it does seem to have a lot of silver that would have been visible on the original photos so maybe it is a different release after all. Never mind personally I like the licence plate on the part 1 car better any way.
ive just had a look at the part 1 pictures and cant see any of that silver. i think its obvious its gonna be 2 cars now and you'll see the hover one if the 1st car sells well which at the moment is 50/50 as I keep seeing people say they are going to or already have canceled their PO in favor of the part 2 car. Personally I prefer the part 1 car so I wont be cancelling my order plus it looks cooler with a nuclear reactor on back. If the part 2 does get released, I will be getting that too. Im just hoping for the lightning rod to be included with the part 1 car.

This is the best picture I could find that would probably show the silver parts you refer to which appear to be absent. I wonder if at the time this car was unveiled they hadnt adapted the car for the hover version. Maybe they underestimated the desire for the hover version and thought fans may want the 1st version more and are now changing it to fit both criterias.... lol, wishful thinking. I still suspect it will be 2 cars with a possible 3rd further down the line (that would only require a wheel change. Hopefully that version will be dusty)

If it was going to be one car, I think it would've been announced that way. And we all know Hot Toys has no problem milking lines. I'd be amazed if we didn't see 3 seperate Deloreans.
I was just looking back at 1st video on this from 1st page and at 27 sec. mark noticed a small hole by the back where a pole could go. Also watchin vids on utube when the delorean jumps to time travel it lights up in blue lights on parts of it. I was thinking some blue led bendy strips may add to mine. I dont think any blue l.e.ds on it that i ever seen or in description. Again still hoping for a 2 in 1 would be best and many agree would make this a easy buy n help people not cancel n wait n see for 2nd release. Here's hoping we start seeing the full release in a few month's since hot toys feel's like area 51 getting any info is impossible 2 know which is pretty damn annoying. Hey hot toys u have 12 days to give us a Doc. Brown !:impatient:

Anyone betting on the Cubby's this year.:lol
I know its not correct but this pic show's a spot can fix a pole to possibly ? Or maybe yellow cap could come off n bam lightning rod pole spot in be a easy xtra for hot toys to do.

Also instant rep 2 anyone pick's up some dry ice for fog to add for the video review would be very cool!

that handle looking bit near the hole is on a hinge and i have seen it moved. thats where the rod goes. I too am hoping the yellow cap can be removed and that the delorean comes with the plutonium case with plutonium canisters that can fit in the reactor. Actually, i wonder if the mr fusion will open too?
So looks like HT won't officially announce the second car until after this one has been released.

Still haven't made up my mind on whether to get one or not.
Asked Sideshow to see if they had any idea, here's the response:

'And it does appear that BTTF PT. 2 DELOREAN is an entirely different product. Both versions have their own charms, that’s for sure!

If there is anything else I can help you with, please feel free to contact me. Have a wonderful day!

Best regards,

Michelle Gaeta
Customer Service Representative'

Literally hope their sales for the first DeLorean plummet....that's some greedy *** ****.

Literally hope their sales for the first DeLorean plummet....that's some greedy *** ****.

To be fair, the Delorean is iconic in every incarnation. I'd sell off all my Iron Man figures to be able to get the Delorean(I know that only three would be needed for each of course), but i am certainly glad they are making at least two. It's a *big* purchase to consider two(Maybe three), but this is THE DELOREAN we are talking about.
Even if they made one with all the parts, i'd still be tempted to buy two...
To be fair, the Delorean is iconic in every incarnation. I'd sell off all my Iron Man figures to be able to get the Delorean(I know that only three would be needed for each of course), but i am certainly glad they are making at least two. It's a *big* purchase to consider two(Maybe three), but this is THE DELOREAN we are talking about.
Even if they made one with all the parts, i'd still be tempted to buy two... annoys the **** out of me because part 2 can do both modes. I would've waited for part 2 instead of jumping on part 1. Not sure I can justify two Delorean purchases, especially when there's going to be a ton of DC stuff along with Marvel next year. I guess really should've know better at the end of the day, and it's not like it won't be badass on the shelf regardless of what version :)
Love havig first world problems btw lol

And who the **** am I kidding. I'm sure I'll flex part 2 too...Zod damn you Hot Toys.... annoys the **** out of me because part 2 can do both modes. I would've waited for part 2 instead of jumping on part 1. Not sure I can justify two Delorean purchases, especially when there's going to be a ton of DC stuff along with Marvel next year. I guess really should've know better at the end of the day, and it's not like it won't be badass on the shelf regardless of what version :)
Love havig first world problems btw lol

And who the **** am I kidding. I'm sure I'll flex part 2 too...Zod damn you Hot Toys....

Because of the *extreme* cost for what is essentially a toy car, i never PO'd it yet.
I'm going to wait to hear about the PT 2 version. And if it's announced and i can't wait, only *then* will i jump on the PT 1 version, but only if it has been released and there are no issues other than the inaccurate door frame.