Hot Toys - Back to the Future - 1/6 DeLorean Time Machine

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I just want to applaud HT on taking the huge risk of producing the BTTF DeLorean.

TBH I dont think the delorean is that big a risk. HT dont seem to think so as they have shown off the part 2 delorean. Clearly they have quite a bit of faith in this line. I suspect Marty sold really well and HT have received alot of positive attention regarding the delorean. The 60's batmobile however is a risk. The delorean will out sell that easy. Marty is sold out in a lot of places, 60's batman and robin are still available even with prices being lowered. Im not sure why HT are going to release another 60's batman though (well Ripley hasnt even gone into PO stage yet so 60's batman may never happen also). it took a long time for even batman returns to go to PO stage. Maybe license approval is what holds some of these figures back....well that and releasing more iron men and now star wars
I'm curious, for the people who are hoping to get the DeLorean 2, is the hope that it has all the features of the DeLorean 1 plus the new features that were shown at San Diego? Do you think that scenario will mean a greater cost for #2? Or, are there some features of the DeLorean 1 that you would forego, if it meant the price for #2 would be the same as the DeLorean 1? Is there any feature that you would particularly like to see on the DeLorean 2 that hasn't yet been shown?
If there are indeed two DeLoreans, I fully plan on getting the flying one. And no, I don't expect HT to throw in accessories that would allow me to turn it into an OG DeLorean.
I'm just going to put mine on a clear pole or clear candle sticks under it if i want it to fly and cheap leds under it for a cheap ghetto win.:lol

If #2 is the same as #1 with fold-up wheels and Mr. Fusion I'm going to cancel my order and wait for the second. I don't want to allocate the space or the dollars to two DeLoreans and unless I'm missing something, #2 appears to give the cover both worlds.
as much as I LOVE the Mark 1 (plutonium chamber) version I always liked the Mark II with the Mr Fusion and the flight mode. If HT is gonna release both versions I would get the Mark II.
Mark II needs to have the same features as Mark I and more. Im still hoping for a remote for the light features for both cars. The mark II really needs lights in the wheels. I also want the position of the wheels in flight mode to be more accurate too. I would also like to see some lights in the vents and a different flashing style for the flux capacitor. I would really love to see the flux bands also light up blue but I cant figure out how one would do that. The stand needs to also allow it to be placed in different positions. I dont want it to always be slanting off to the side. Maybe I wanna recreate this shot....

No way I am going to cancel my order for the first Delorean with the speculation of the second version coming out. We don't even know if it's going to be put up for preorder any time soon. I know there is a prototype out for the second version but that doesn't mean it will come out. See 66 Batmobile. Not going to throw away a $69.00 NRD on an assumption.
Mark II needs to have the same features as Mark I and more. Im still hoping for a remote for the light features for both cars. The mark II really needs lights in the wheels. I also want the position of the wheels in flight mode to be more accurate too. I would also like to see some lights in the vents and a different flashing style for the flux capacitor. I would really love to see the flux bands also light up blue but I cant figure out how one would do that. The stand needs to also allow it to be placed in different positions. I dont want it to always be slanting off to the side. Maybe I wanna recreate this shot....

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You're going to need a Doc Brown. Hey Hot Toys! Where the hell is Doc?!!!
I find it extremely odd that HT has released the 1985 Marty McFly and is showing the 2015 Marty McFly, the '85 DeLorean will soon be released, and they're showing the 2015 DeLorean, but no mention of Doc Brown. Without Doc, the DeLorean time machine(s) wouldn't exist and Marty would just be a high school kid with no particular story to tell. C'mon HT, how about letting us know if he will actually be released, and maybe some preproduction photos. I'm not asking for dates, just would like to know if I can plan on him being released. We need the Doc.