Hot Toys Bane Teaser

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Based on Hot Toys past and current practices you should not buy this on any kind of pre-order. You can get the 2nd or 3rd version in a few years (which will have better likeness and quality). Or, you can buy it from Gohastings or Ebay for 50% off a few months after release. Hot Toys has told us these past few months, don't buy. But they call us Freaks for a reason and most of us will buy. How are you enjoying your V1 Joker?

Or you can get nothing.
Their remake is mostly of very very popular figure, we will to wait and see how Bane is after the movie is released.
I doubt we will see a remake of Red Skull, or Jake Sully for exemple...

It's the same thing with apple every year and people keep buying from them.
I d love that people did not and let HT eat it a bit.
But it won't happen.
My policy is if i like the figure i buy it, now at least we know that there could be a remake.

The real test for me will be the Batman from DKR, i own the DX wich is very cool already, they will have to improve on a lot of stuff to make me buy a new batman.
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At the moment, based on interesting costume design, I wouldn't buy this. Maybe after seeing the movie I'll feel different. But, at this time, just not feeling it.
from the teaser pics he is too tall and appears to be too thin. I think this teaser is just showing us the outfit and they still have work to do on sculpting a new body and who knows where they are on the portrait?!? This portrait should be much easier than Joker, as much is covered. If it can look anywhere near as good as the custom that was floating around these boards and over at OSW, it will be awesome.
Don't judge ANYTHING based on a teaser pic!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
We are six months plus away from release!
Looks great. I love it when a teaser shows the actual figure and not a picture of the actor playing the role. *cough*

One thing about making a figure too damn early... the design on the actual screen may have some slight alterations and the version the figure is will now be inaccurate.

V2 on the way.
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How would it be harder to screw up Bane than the Joker? The Joker is just wearing a flamboyant suit. A neck tie, a shirt, vest, pants, etc. The most complicated thing about him is the hex design on his shirt, his vest and maybe his headsculpt.

Bane? Bane has all those little details that could easily be overlooked. All those little intricate parts on the mask, that stupid padded vest, hell, even his pants are more complicated then what the Joker wears.

I'm sure there will be few Bane figures, in fact, they probably have them planned. Everyone thinks this film is going to be bigger and better than TDK, why wouldn't a company, especially one like Hot Toys not try and capitalize off this fact? This is the company that, to this day, is still pumping out TDK product. The only point of buying this one would be if you're impatient and can't wait a few months for them to release a new one. Then again, if enough people think this way and refuse to purchase sales could go south forcing them to rethink selling another one.

It's basically a case of "damned if you do, damned if you don't". If you buy this one you won't be happy, if you don't buy it you may not be happy. Either way, it's only a temporary fix and by this time next year nobody will really care.

And honestly, speaking of TDK Joker, I'm sure if the 2.0 comes around the time Bane is revealed people will clamor for it instead of Bane and Bane doesn't even have a single figure yet.
How would it be harder to screw up Bane than the Joker?

The headsculpt - HT still hasn't got Ledger Joker right. They SHOULD be able to knock Bane's headsculpt out of the park on the first attempt.

But they're utterly unpredictable

Agree that the outfit is full of details that could be missed, but i'd say both Bane and Joker's outfits are equally complex, for different reasons

What this figure NEEDS though is its own body, tailor made for the figure and Hardy's physique + like I said before, including all the scarring details, which I doubt there's good enough reference for out there at this point. Hence i'm sure a v2 will be much improved.
The headsculpt - HT still hasn't got Ledger Joker right. They SHOULD be able to knock Bane's headsculpt out of the park on the first attempt.

But they're utterly unpredictable

Agree that the outfit is complex, but i'd say both Bane and Joker's outfits are equally complex, for different reasons

I think the Bank Robber headsculpt is fine. Yeah, they could probably do better and they will but, I don't know. The headsculpt isn't a glaring inaccuracy if anything it's just that people are bored with what's been put out and done before and want more.

The suit on the other hand is a different story. I'm sure even with their third attempt we'll still see things like red coat lining, dark purples, etc.

Bane won't be any different. Though I definitely don't think Bane will be as popular as the Joker. If they have any plans to milk the character they better hope it doesn't back fire. I remember the excitement when Hot Toys had first announced Two-Face but that figure sold poorly. You would have thought the interest would be there, I mean, it's Two-Face w/ another option possibility, but nope. Then again Bane is a main villain, so what do I know.
Well I thought Two Face's proportions were totally off in the figure they put out (pin head plus burnt side of jacket way too puffed up) - that certainly didn't help. Plus - the focus for collectors was the Joker and all the variations of him.

BR Joker headsculpt was good for its time. But Yulli and HT have improved a LOT since then.

It all depends on the film performance, but I think Bane will prove to be a popular figure
Same was the case with v1 joker - there were plenty of pics available
Seemed pretty clear to me that the V1 sculpt only used the initial promo poster as reference. Of course, it was released about the same time as BR Joker was, but leaving the V1 with the promotional sculpt forced folks to buy both figures, which was a brilliant move by HT in my opinion. We've seen enough of Bane for long enough that I don't see any reason we should worry about likeness.

So Batman uses Blue Beetle's light pistol in this movie, eh? *c'mon, Blue Beetle cameo :pray: *

And I really don't think inaccurate proportions and a puffy jacket were what made Two-Face unpopular. He was a boring looking figure, relatively speaking. So is Bane. The key is gonna be not over-producing.
Seemed pretty clear to me that the V1 sculpt only used the initial promo poster as reference. Of course, it was released about the same time as BR Joker was, but leaving the V1 with the promotional sculpt forced folks to buy both figures, which was a brilliant move by HT in my opinion. We've seen enough of Bane for long enough that I don't see any reason we should worry about likeness.

It was intentional. I know people defend them saying that they didn't have the reference or what have you but Bank Robber Joker had to have been in development during the time V1 Joker was produced.

It's funny for the ad how they referred to the v1 Joker with Bank Robber head as "2.0 Joker". So that makes DX Joker 3.0 and the new upcoming DX Joker, 4.0. :lol

Bane's design is much more than "a dude in a suit (with a half burnt face)".
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