Hot Toys Bane Teaser

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Isn't Hardy replacing Mel Gibson as Mad Max? :lol
Well for right now the only folks who have managed to nail the comic book version is Rocksteady. But I gotta say I always felt the Mexican thing to be a distraction and merely used to explain his luchador mask. It's hard to take a ridiculously steroidal psychopath seriously to begin with, then you add a horrible Mexican accent to it (preferably an American trying to replicate one).

I for one am glad Nolan didn't try for that!
I looked over a few pics after this teaser from Hot Toys, even watched the prologue and trailer again and I just can't, for the life of me, get into Bane. I even poured over articles about Hardy's performance. If anything, it feels like I'm trying to force a reason to be interested in this figure because "holy ____, it's a Batman movie, the sequel to the Dark Knight", not because I'm actually interested.

For me, the best part of this film so far was when it was here in Pittsburgh and I got to participate. There was genuine excitement during the summer. Around this stage in 2008 I was quoting tons of ____ from the first trailer, mostly from the Joker and I was eagerly anticipating July 18th. With this one, it feels like I'm forcing myself to like it. I'm looking forward to the film, especially when it comes to Batman but Bane and Catwoman have done absolutely nothing for me so far. I remember when we got wind of Two-Face being in it and I couldn't wait. With Hathaway Catwoman? I don't even care and I ____ing love the character of Catwoman.

Hate to be a buzz kill to the party but I'm hyped out (this is coming from a guy who went insane during 2008). Feels like the supposed greatness of this film is contrived already, and this "EARLY FIGURE RELEASE" proves that. Way too early. Aren't they worried that people will be spent before the film even comes out? Just give me another Ledger Joker DX 2.0 and a "redo" TDK Batman already.

I too feel the same way about the character so far. But I guess we'll just have to see. On the flip side, I remember thinking Terminator Salvation was gonna be the greatest, and look what happened with that! It sucked.
Now im gonna say something that will probably make everybody jump down my throat. Am I the only one that thinks The Dark Knight is extremely overrated? I don't think it was half as good as Begins. I believe everybody jumped on because the whole Ledger thing. In my opinion, Inception wasn't all that either. I can only hope that this Batman movie is better than the rest and that everybody goes home happy, even if they are now unsure about Hardys character.
The Arkham Bane looks ridiculous. Is he even comic accurate? I'm not really a huge comic guy but I've read Knightfall and Bane doesn't even look like that. He looks like he's a 6 foot something, fighter, not this huge roid guy.
The Arkham Bane looks ridiculous. Is he even comic accurate? I'm not really a huge comic guy but I've read Knightfall and Bane doesn't even look like that. He looks like he's a 6 foot something, fighter, not this huge roid guy.

Yeah. The Arkham Bane is just as bad as the B&R Bane. Even is a little skinny guy who bulks to massive proportions because of venom. :monkey4
How can you guys be wanting a rubber body? Do you not know of HT's track record with rubber?

PVC bodies like Sly, Arnie and Wolverine is the OBVIOUS way to go.

I have the HT Green Beret - the original rubber body, the one with the tattoo on the left arm. I just cleaned it yesterday, and the body is still in top shape. This thing is what... 7 years old?
I looked over a few pics after this teaser from Hot Toys, even watched the prologue and trailer again and I just can't, for the life of me, get into Bane. I even poured over articles about Hardy's performance. If anything, it feels like I'm trying to force a reason to be interested in this figure because "holy ____, it's a Batman movie, the sequel to the Dark Knight", not because I'm actually interested.

For me, the best part of this film so far was when it was here in Pittsburgh and I got to participate. There was genuine excitement during the summer. Around this stage in 2008 I was quoting tons of ____ from the first trailer, mostly from the Joker and I was eagerly anticipating July 18th. With this one, it feels like I'm forcing myself to like it. I'm looking forward to the film, especially when it comes to Batman but Bane and Catwoman have done absolutely nothing for me so far. I remember when we got wind of Two-Face being in it and I couldn't wait. With Hathaway Catwoman? I don't even care and I ____ing love the character of Catwoman.

Hate to be a buzz kill to the party but I'm hyped out (this is coming from a guy who went insane during 2008). Feels like the supposed greatness of this film is contrived already, and this "EARLY FIGURE RELEASE" proves that. Way too early. Aren't they worried that people will be spent before the film even comes out? Just give me another Ledger Joker DX 2.0 and a "redo" TDK Batman already.

I think you hit in right on the head of how I feel too. Like I want to be super excited for this but..Im just not. Dont get me wrong Im definitely looking forward to it and Ill see it as soon as it comes out btu like you said this whole Catwoman thing does absolutely nothing for me. Nothing. As for Bane I actually like how he looks in this movie but the character has never done anything for me, ever. When I first heard it would be Bane I was like "Huh?" I thought Nolan could have put a really neat spin on The Riddler. I dunno...hey I sincerely hope I'm blown away. I think I'll like the movie but will I like it more than BB or TDK? Probably not. And your right the anticipation for TDK was insane! Hell, I was totally pumped for BB when I didnt know anyone else who was.
The Arkham Bane looks ridiculous. Is he even comic accurate? I'm not really a huge comic guy but I've read Knightfall and Bane doesn't even look like that. He looks like he's a 6 foot something, fighter, not this huge roid guy.

Arkham Bane is not comic accurate, just like 99% of the rest of the Arkham Asylum/Arkham City designs.

However, David Finch is apparently liking that video game design and is making every effort to change Bane's look, if the cover to Batman: The Dark Knight # 6 is to be believed.
I also prefer the pvc type muscle bodies over the old rubber bodies mainly because the armature underneath the rubber is prone to breaking easy.
Max Max Fury Road will suck without Gibson.

George Miller went from The Road Warrior to Happy Feet??? Byron Kennedy was the magic touch on Mad Max and The Road Warrior.
Arkham Bane is not comic accurate, just like 99% of the rest of the Arkham Asylum/Arkham City designs.

However, David Finch is apparently liking that video game design and is making every effort to change Bane's look, if the cover to Batman: The Dark Knight # 6 is to be believed.

It really depends on who draws him nowadays, but he tends to be in the range of 7-7.5 feet. Sure they took artistic license with them, but I think he was appropriately monstrous for the game. What Nolan seems to be examining here is his intellect, which doesn't get as much play. He is supposed to be "genius" level right?
It really depends on who draws him nowadays, but he tends to be in the range of 7-7.5 feet. Sure they took artistic license with them, but I think he was appropriately monstrous for the game. What Nolan seems to be examining here is his intellect, which doesn't get as much play. He is supposed to be "genius" level right?

I was mostly referring to the costume used in Arkham City, rather than the size. His size does indeed fluctuate according to artist, even though in the comic book DC Universe he's officially 6'8 and 350 lbs (425 lbs on Venom).
I was mostly referring to the costume used in Arkham City, rather than the size. His size does indeed fluctuate according to artist, even though in the comic book DC Universe he's officially 6'8 and 350 lbs (425 lbs on Venom).

You sir, are correct.

This will be an interesting take, looking forward to it.

Must see specssssssssss!

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