Well, I think those "licensing issues" are BS. How do other companies make 66 Batmobiles then? yeah, they are not as great looking as the 1/6 version being discussed here, but isn't licensing the same regardless of scale? Jack Nicholson will charge a gazillion dollars regardless of a figure based on him is 1/6 or 1/4, right? So what gives? Production problems like the 89 Batmobile? What production problems? That was a SHIPPING problem. Those guys didn't package that thing all that well, therefore scuffs and paint defects and blah blah blah.
HT is just stupid sometimes. all that time and effort producing 1/6 Star Wars vehicles that will never see the light of day. For what? To hype SW? Does SW even need hype? Those figures will sell NO MATTER WHAT. You can recreate the Death Star in 1/4 if you want, Han Solo will still sell out without it.
They even shown Bob The freaking Goon from 1989 Batman at a recent event. Turned out to be a figure that was only a display for the show. WHY? Because HT.
Is this arrogance an Asian thing? is it? Sometimes it makes me wonder.
But hey, keep making those 1/1 BvS figures that are selling like hotcakes all over the world.
Your BatShield was a beautiful piece. I was on the fence about it for so long because I was saving up for the Batmobile.
Hindsight is a cruel mistress.
Well, I think those "licensing issues" are BS. How do other companies make 66 Batmobiles then? yeah, they are not as great looking as the 1/6 version being discussed here, but isn't licensing the same regardless of scale? Jack Nicholson will charge a gazillion dollars regardless of a figure based on him is 1/6 or 1/4, right? So what gives? Production problems like the 89 Batmobile? What production problems? That was a SHIPPING problem. Those guys didn't package that thing all that well, therefore scuffs and paint defects and blah blah blah.
HT is just stupid sometimes. all that time and effort producing 1/6 Star Wars vehicles that will never see the light of day. For what? To hype SW? Does SW even need hype? Those figures will sell NO MATTER WHAT. You can recreate the Death Star in 1/4 if you want, Han Solo will still sell out without it.
They even shown Bob The freaking Goon from 1989 Batman at a recent event. Turned out to be a figure that was only a display for the show. WHY? Because HT.
Is this arrogance an Asian thing? is it? Sometimes it makes me wonder.
But hey, keep making those 1/1 BvS figures that are selling like hotcakes all over the world.
If HT has any integrity, they would offer a PO for a limited run and cover their costs with a 50% deposit, or even a pre-paid option, that way they wouldn't lose any money and every one who really wanted it would get one.
If HT has any integrity, they would offer a PO for a limited run and cover their costs with a 50% deposit, or even a pre-paid option, that way they wouldn't lose any money and every one who really wanted it would get one.
Or they could make a basic 1/6 Batmobile 1960s GI Joe and CA Silver Streak style that's unpainted black plastic with not much interior detail. A very simplified version for a lower price.
Let me make a comparison for you...
Apple could make a plastic phone with physical buttons and monochrome non-touch-enabled screen to lower costs.
Let me try again...
BMW could make a Suzuki to lower costs.
Why would Hot Toys ever lower their standards (and profit margins) to simply get something out the door? The smart business knows when not to bother. If there's a small market and costs are prohibitive, then it's skipped. This thing was dead in the water a long time ago - no insider information is needed to make that observation.
Let me make a comparison for you...
Apple could make a plastic phone with physical buttons and monochrome non-touch-enabled screen to lower costs.
Let me try again...
BMW could make a Suzuki to lower costs.
Why would Hot Toys ever lower their standards (and profit margins) to simply get something out the door? The smart business knows when not to bother. If there's a small market and costs are prohibitive, then it's skipped. This thing was dead in the water a long time ago - no insider information is needed to make that observation.
That analogy doesn't work
If they are worried about gloss paint, release it looking like the 89, no paint. I will be more than happy to pay up on ACTUAL shipping charges. I just do not want bs excuses. Also no excuse that interest is not here for it.
What if only 200 people pre-ordered, yet they were estimating 2000 to calculate their profitability?