Hot Toys - Batman 1989 - Michael Keaton

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Re: Hot Toys Batman 1989 NON-JOKER Discussion Thread

You guys think it'd be possible to switch out the head sculpts on the Bale and Keaton Batmans? Put Keaton's head on Bale suit and Bale's head on Keaton's body?

Curious why you would want to.
Re: Hot Toys Batman 1989 NON-JOKER Discussion Thread

You guys think it'd be possible to switch out the head sculpts on the Bale and Keaton Batmans? Put Keaton's head on Bale suit and Bale's head on Keaton's body?

Wish it into the corn field...please!

(I hope somebody gets this joke)
Re: Hot Toys Batman 1989 NON-JOKER Discussion Thread

Wish it into the corn field...please!

(I hope somebody gets this joke)

"It's a Good Life". The Twilight Zone episode. It's A Good Life. Billy Mumy as Anthony Fremont.

[ame=""]‪Twilight Zone "It's A Good Life" ending.‬‏ - YouTube[/ame]
Re: Hot Toys Batman 1989 NON-JOKER Discussion Thread

I think he should come with an interchangeable BD Bat-symbol, along with the bloody face, I think that there's a good chance, seeing as how Jack is from the parade/final battle.

maybe, and here is a long shot if i ever heard of long shots, the suit will have detachable body armor as in the movie it looks as if it could be removed from the suit, and switchable mouth pieces so you could display BD Bats....granted i doubt this will happen, but its fun to speculate.
Re: Hot Toys Batman 1989 NON-JOKER Discussion Thread

Well, I think since it has to be a leather or leatherlike material, they'll be forced to be more accurrate because it's not like slapping any piece of cloth on and saying it's fine, cloth will just lay, leather won't, which has been the problem with a lot of custom Keatons.

This is a "leather" cape material that drapes as best as I've ever seen. The pics show it hanging naturally. No hair dryer needed. :lol

It's off my elpapadavis Bats as I mentioned. It does have a cloth backer but it's dang hard to notice unless you spread the cape out.

If HT can find this material and do away with the cloth backer I think we'd have a winner.

Re: Hot Toys Batman 1989 NON-JOKER Discussion Thread

This is a "leather" cape material that drapes as best as I've ever seen. The pics show it hanging naturally. No hair dryer needed. :lol

It's off my elpapadavis Bats as I mentioned. It does have a cloth backer but it's dang hard to notice unless you spread the cape out.

If HT can find this material and do away with the cloth backer I think we'd have a winner.

And, you have IMO still the best joker Nicholson sculpt to date. If that sculpt had the HT skin texture and detail, it would be legendary.
Re: Hot Toys Batman 1989 NON-JOKER Discussion Thread

I hope they dont screw up the cape like they did with all the previous batmans. If they do, the figure will look so goofy. I think it will be very hard finding the right material for a custom cape if they indeed screw up.

Ah yes, the cape. :lecture

I think they have the material to do a decent heavier leather-like piece. Of course Batman wore 3 different types of cape in the film. We'll see but THAT is a majorly important feature to get right.

Right, Coco?
Re: Hot Toys Batman 1989 NON-JOKER Discussion Thread

@ coco

That cape is amazing! i really think it captures that heavy feel of the cape worn in the movie.
Re: Hot Toys Batman 1989 NON-JOKER Discussion Thread

Ah yes, the cape. :lecture

I think they have the material to do a decent heavier leather-like piece. Of course Batman wore 3 different types of cape in the film. We'll see but THAT is a majorly important feature to get right.

Right, Coco?

I can't remember how many capes they used during filming but the most important aspect to me is the drape. Not the texture so much at that scale but how it hangs. If they have to sacrifice the ability to make it extend in that cool open batwing position for that then I'm all for it. I would like to see them do it in sections like the real cape if possible.

@ coco

That cape is amazing! i really think it captures that heavy feel of the cape worn in the movie.

I think it looks good too. If HT could get that look out of their material I'd be stoked.
Re: Hot Toys Batman 1989 NON-JOKER Discussion Thread

Can't you just picture it: perfect Keaton Bats to go with Joker! Oh man, the thought of it.

Both standing in front of the Batmobile!

Ha-ha, you missed me! *little twist of the hand wave*
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