Hot Toys - Batman 1989 - Michael Keaton

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Re: HT Batman 1989 Coming

I have no interest in an '89 Batman (thank heavens - I've only just managed to clear my credit cards! lol), but my gut feeling is that this will be a bit like the Christopher Reeve Superman - kinda a one-shot deal, Batman, Joker and then done. I don't know why, but I feel like this is more of a "gift" to their fans who have been clamouring for 89 Batman rather than a line they would really pursue in any depth. And correct me if I'm wrong, but wasn't the Tumbler an almighty nightmare for HT? I'd be surprised (but wouldn't rule it out) if they decided to make the 89 Batmobile. And if they did I'd hate to be doing QC on that. Paint rubs on the Tumbler you can explain away as "wear and tear". 89 Batmobile would have to be pristine.

The fact that they pursued the Jack Nicholson likeness license is enough proof to me, that they pursued this line in depth.

NOBODY here thought we'd ever see a Nicholson Joker. A Keaton Batman was always a possibility, especially with DCD and other companies putting out merchandise. But Joker? No way. It seemed impossible.

This recent announcement cements the idea that this is more than a gift to fans that clamored for it. It certainly seems that way. In that announcement they're almost implying that they jumped through hoops to get this deal.

The Dark Knight and Batman 1989 are the post popular films in the franchise. 1/6 Batman and Joker are INSTANT sellers. Hot Toys knows this. I'm pretty confident that this is a focus for them, especially when you consider how well Bank Robber and both TDK DX figures did for them.

With no Joker in the next film, it's only fitting that they capitalize on a "new" Joker figure without doing another TDK one. This one will be just as successful and will probably inspire even more craziness. Couple that with another Batman "variation" and you know there's something more to this than meets the eye.

Judging by the positive response so far, here, facebook and on the web. I think these are going to be huge. It's similar to the Terminator figures, or something.

Now, you might be right about one Batman and one Joker, but I wouldn't consider them, "one offs". I'm sure they'll put a lot of hard work into them. I still don't doubt them milking the Joker or producing a Batmobile either. The Joker is well, the Joker. Any and all of them will sell. The Batmobile is truly an icon that everyone seems to love.

Seems like alot of win to me.
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Re: HT Batman 1989 Coming

I have no interest in an '89 Batman (thank heavens - I've only just managed to clear my credit cards! lol), but my gut feeling is that this will be a bit like the Christopher Reeve Superman - kinda a one-shot deal, Batman, Joker and then done. I don't know why, but I feel like this is more of a "gift" to their fans who have been clamouring for 89 Batman rather than a line they would really pursue in any depth. And correct me if I'm wrong, but wasn't the Tumbler an almighty nightmare for HT? I'd be surprised (but wouldn't rule it out) if they decided to make the 89 Batmobile. And if they did I'd hate to be doing QC on that. Paint rubs on the Tumbler you can explain away as "wear and tear". 89 Batmobile would have to be pristine.

I think they are in a better place as a company then when they did the Tumbler. I know they lost money on that project but here they are doing it again with the Light Cycle and the Iron Monger. Neither as big but still big projects. I think they under estimated the Tumbler. Im sure they wont do that again.
Re: HT Batman 1989 Coming

The Iron Monger has the possibility to be a money loss bigger than the Tumbler. A line with a Nicholson Joker will allow them to take more chances because this will sell at numbers that will make TDK's numbers blush
Re: HT Batman 1989 Coming

A. This thread has caused me to revist the movie twice now, watching it as I type this.
B. I will hold my mini Keaton everytime I rewatch this addictive flick. I don't even do that with mini Bale although I might hold mini Heath if I owned one.

Speaking of which, since I can only afford one Heath Joker, which should it be boys and girls, BR or DX01.

Your advise is appreciated.

Ahhhh..High Def 89, such beautiful textures. :duff

I remember _____ing when Keaton got the role, man was I pissed :lol
Re: HT Batman 1989 Coming

A. This thread has caused me to revist the movie twice now, watching it as I type this.
B. I will hold my mini Keaton everytime I rewatch this addictive flick. I don't even do that with mini Bale although I might hold mini Heath if I owned one.

Speaking of which, since I can only afford one Heath Joker, which should it be boys and girls, BR or DX01.

Your advise is appreciated.

Ahhhh..High Def 89, such beautiful textures. :duff

I remember _____ing when Keaton got the role, man was I pissed :lol

DX 1 would be best if you can get it. Im still a bigger fan of the BR head though.
Re: HT Batman 1989 Coming

I would adore an '89 Batmobile. Forgive me if this has been mentioned 1,000 times already, and I'm sure it has, but the '89 Batmobile would be about 4' long (unless they made it smaller). Even the Batwing is about 4' wide.

How big was the HT Tumbler? A lot smaller, no?

I'm excited yet scared by the prospect (laugh).
According to a quick look at Wikipedia:

The '89 Batmobile is 21.725 feet/260.7 inches long, therefore a true 1:6 version would be approximately 3.62 feet/43.45 inches long.

The Tumbler is 15 feet/180 inches long. A true 1:6 version should be 2.5 feet/30 inches long. Mine seems to be a little over 28" long, though I'm a bit tipsy and was not being particularly precise with the tape measure.

BTW, the '89 would be somewhat less wide than the Tumbler.... (the actual widths are 94 inches and 112 inches, respectively).

In any case, the shipping on this thing is going to be a _____; I also suppose at that size we can count out getting an armored cocoon for it, as well as a Batmissile mode being exceedingly unlikely.
Re: HT Batman 1989 Coming

shiet just give me a HT grade Batmobile that I can inflate.... do I even have the space to display this mofo??????
Re: HT Batman 1989 Coming

I look at it this way. An '89 Batmobile will sell out quicker than the Tumbler did for Hot Toys. It's just that an iconic of a vehicle. But I bet just like with the Tumbler, it won't be true 1/6 scale. It will be scaled down just a bit so instead of 43" long, it will probably be right around three feet or just a little over. And of course, Hot Toys may not do it. And perhaps that would be due to the fact that they may want to sell a 1/6 replica of the Batmobile that will be in TDK Rises. Because you know, Nolan is going to have a new Batmobile to go with the new Batcave in that film.
Re: HT Batman 1989 Coming

1/6th scale Batcave?!?:eek :eek :eek :eek :eek :eek :eek :eek :eek
Re: HT Batman 1989 Coming

shiet just give me a HT grade Batmobile that I can inflate.... do I even have the space to display this mofo??????

I am with you on this, but I will try my hardest to find room if this is made. :)
Re: HT Batman 1989 Coming

I wouldn't mind a godfatheresque bruce wayne with chair and batcomputer diorama.
Re: HT Batman 1989 Coming

The fact that they pursued the Jack Nicholson likeness license is enough proof to me, that they pursued this line in depth.


Seems like alot of win to me.

Fair enough, all good points. I gotta say I avoid Facebook as much as humanly possible and have no idea how big the reaction to the announcement has been, so really I was just making comments completely in a vacuum and with no empirical support. I should work for Fox News. (Boom tish. Thanks folks I'll be here all week. Try the veal)

And just because I like looking at half-empty glasses, has Nicholson's likeness rights specifically been confirmed? I know his image was shown in the display but that's not definitely a guarantee that the rights are locked in. I should also clarify that I wasn't saying that HT will half-ass Batman and Joker either, just that I personally don't see the line going much beyond those two characters - Joker might get a couple of outings in different costumes if the reaction has been as huge as you say, though, but especially with the older film licenses they have, they seem to release one or two characters and then move on. I think I said in another post somewhere it seems like they view MMS as a whole as the product line, rather than the individual licenses within it.

Anyway, none of what I wrote was meant to take away from people's excitement. I'm just glad that Batman '89 holds no interest for me - the only thing I would possibly be interested in is the Batmobile and purely on shipping costs and storage space considerations alone, even if it is made I would never get it. The movie was released at a time when I was just starting to get interested in Batman - but it was an interest stemming from the 60's TV show and the difference in tone and look was not something I immediately liked. While I like the movie now, I think I've still got some lingering resentment that means I'm not interested in the merchandise!
Re: HT Batman 1989 Coming

According to a quick look at Wikipedia:

The '89 Batmobile is 21.725 feet/260.7 inches long, therefore a true 1:6 version would be approximately 3.62 feet/43.45 inches long.

The Tumbler is 15 feet/180 inches long. A true 1:6 version should be 2.5 feet/30 inches long. Mine seems to be a little over 28" long, though I'm a bit tipsy and was not being particularly precise with the tape measure.

BTW, the '89 would be somewhat less wide than the Tumbler.... (the actual widths are 94 inches and 112 inches, respectively).

In any case, the shipping on this thing is going to be a _____; I also suppose at that size we can count out getting an armored cocoon for it, as well as a Batmissile mode being exceedingly unlikely.

Thanks for answering! On one hand I fear the price, on the other hand I hope the popularity of the '89 Batmobile would allow them to produce it in higher volumes if the create it, making it cheaper. Drooool...
Re: HT Batman 1989 Coming

And just because I like looking at half-empty glasses, has Nicholson's likeness rights specifically been confirmed? I know his image was shown in the display but that's not definitely a guarantee that the rights are locked in.

From Hot Toys' facebook page:

Here comes the highly expected Batman (1989) movie license!

Amid much negotiation and many difficulties, Hot Toys is finally granted the likeness right of the renowned actor Jack Nicholson to produce the collectible figure of his character in the movie.

As many ones may know, it is very difficult to get it and it is granted for Hot Toys, thanks to the quality standard being recognized! Though it is difficult to get it, it is worth because we can bring such great collectible figure to our fans! So fans, please stay tuned our update in 2011!
Re: HT Batman 1989 Coming

The Iron Monger has the possibility to be a money loss bigger than the Tumbler. A line with a Nicholson Joker will allow them to take more chances because this will sell at numbers that will make TDK's numbers blush

No doubt Nicholson Joker will sell well, but I can't see it selling better than the TDK jokers - the hype surrounding TDK and Heath's performance was a once in a generation thing IMO
Re: HT Batman 1989 Coming

From Hot Toys' facebook page:

Here comes the highly expected Batman (1989) movie license!

Amid much negotiation and many difficulties, Hot Toys is finally granted the likeness right of the renowned actor Jack Nicholson to produce the collectible figure of his character in the movie.

As many ones may know, it is very difficult to get it and it is granted for Hot Toys, thanks to the quality standard being recognized! Though it is difficult to get it, it is worth because we can bring such great collectible figure to our fans! So fans, please stay tuned our update in 2011!

Cool - thanks for posting the quote too, even if it is a bit painful to read!! I'm going back to university soon to get my postgrad qualifications in corporate communications and every time I read one of their releases I wonder why they don't just run it past a native/fluent English speaker to tidy up first. I mean I have full respect for people who are bilingual - the most I have is enough French to order a meal and direct a taxi - but they must have any number of customers who have their own blogs/are journalism students/studying PR who would be happy to do the job in exchange for hearing the news first/getting the chance to pad their portfolios.
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