Hot Toys - Batman 1989 - Michael Keaton

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Re: HT Batman 1989 Coming

From Hot Toys' facebook page:

Here comes the highly expected Batman (1989) movie license!

Amid much negotiation and many difficulties, Hot Toys is finally granted the likeness right of the renowned actor Jack Nicholson to produce the collectible figure of his character in the movie.

As many ones may know, it is very difficult to get it and it is granted for Hot Toys, thanks to the quality standard being recognized! Though it is difficult to get it, it is worth because we can bring such great collectible figure to our fans! So fans, please stay tuned our update in 2011!

Best facebook status update ever :yess:
Re: HT Batman 1989 Coming

Nicholsons ego had to play a HUGE role in their being able to secure his likeness rights. Jack LOVED playing the Joker, wanted to reprise the role very vocally for many years after, and Ledger getting such raves for his performance as the Joker in DK had to hurt.

For someone to be going after Nicholson for his likeness rights now as Joker after Ledgers success had to feel pretty good to Jack for still being remembered and desired. :yess: I doubt he'd have let his likeness go for any other property.
Re: HT Batman 1989 Coming

Nicholsons ego had to play a HUGE role in their being able to secure his likeness rights. Jack LOVED playing the Joker, wanted to reprise the role very vocally for many years after, and Ledger getting such raves for his performance as the Joker in DK had to hurt.

For someone to be going after Nicholson for his likeness rights now as Joker after Ledgers success had to feel pretty good to Jack for still being remembered and desired. :yess: I doubt he'd have let his likeness go for any other property.

It was nice to see how enthusiastic he still was about playing the Joker on the 2004 dvd documentary... i thought it was great how he wore purple for his interview and had his Batman badge on :)

I remember reading years ago about how happy he was at the prospect of Joker appearing in Batman V... it's a shame for him he never got to play the role again.

At least he'll get a kick ass Hot Toys figure.
Re: HT Batman 1989 Coming

that is too cool..its so funny that I was watching the batman keaton movie last night with the Joker..and this morning I find these comments. He is the best at what he does and did a great Joker for that time period.
Re: HT Batman 1989 Coming


This is the image I most remember from '89. Ahhh to be 14 again! :lol

No doubt Nicholson Joker will sell well, but I can't see it selling better than the TDK jokers - the hype surrounding TDK and Heath's performance was a once in a generation thing IMO

Agreed. Although, it'll be tough to say officially since these numbers aren't readily available...
regardless, I'll be putting my pre-order in early. :yess:
Re: HT Batman 1989 Coming

thanks corporal. I've been putting off picking up the blu-ray...have to correct that now. :)
Re: HT Batman 1989 Coming

I always find the debate between Batman 89 and the new movies to be interesting. Both sides make great points. For me though I think of it this way: Batman 89 to me is a great classic comic book style rendition of Batman while the new movies are attempting to be as realistic as they can almost saying...well if this happened and this happened then someone like Batman could exsist.
Re: HT Batman 1989 Coming


Batman 89 is a wonderful comic book film. The Nolan batman is a great realworld adaptation.
Re: HT Batman 1989 Coming

I remember reading years ago about how happy he was at the prospect of Joker appearing in Batman V... it's a shame for him he never got to play the role again.

I thought Jack was a fantastic Joker, and if he had been played in TDK he could have been as psycho/awesome as Ledger. You only need to look at The Shining to see where Nicholson could have played a far darker version of the character. Seeing Jack do the pencil trick would've been great. :lol

Yet Nicholson (and more than a few fanboys) fail to grasp this was NOT Batman 5. It was Batman 2. It's a different continuity, and Nicholson's presence would have blurred a reboot that had been extremely successful.

Jack wasn't in TDK and Heath rocked it. I went into the theater simply hoping he wouldn't ruin it. I had only seen him play in "A Knight's Tale". Until the moment I saw him on screen in TDK, I never expected to be impressed with him as Joker. I was amazed. Clearly he had been on the brink of far greater things.
Re: HT Batman 1989 Coming

Cool - thanks for posting the quote too, even if it is a bit painful to read!! I'm going back to university soon to get my postgrad qualifications in corporate communications and every time I read one of their releases I wonder why they don't just run it past a native/fluent English speaker to tidy up first. I mean I have full respect for people who are bilingual - the most I have is enough French to order a meal and direct a taxi - but they must have any number of customers who have their own blogs/are journalism students/studying PR who would be happy to do the job in exchange for hearing the news first/getting the chance to pad their portfolios.

:lecture I particularly wish they'd get a fluent english speaker to write anything that ultimately goes on the figure packaging. Reading some of the character bios on figure boxes has made me cringe in the past particularly DX Joker 'card'. A pity that you have such fancy packaging and nifty little extras...and then you read it :eek:

I think they've improved this area as they've realised how popular they've become internationally but DX Joker was fairly recent...
Re: HT Batman 1989 Coming

Yet Nicholson (and more than a few fanboys) fail to grasp this was NOT Batman 5. It was Batman 2. It's a different continuity, and Nicholson's presence would have blurred a reboot that had been extremely successful.

I think you've got confused as to what i posted, it's nothing to do with Nolans movies ... Jack was to reprise his role in Batman Triumphant a.k.a. Batman V which was a sequel in the old movie series that never got made.

The villain of the movie was to be Scarecrow and Jack was going to play Joker again in Batmans hallucinations.

It's nothing at all to do with the Nolan stuff.
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