Hot Toys - Batman 1989 - Michael Keaton

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Re: HT Batman 1989 Coming

I really hope that the "simpler" Keaton batmobile is going to allow it to stay in the same price range as the Tumbler but in the end we all focus on getting the best HT Batmobile they can build for us to pose besides. Skip the interior to save on cost and price would be my prefernce

I doubt to say that the batmobile is simpeler than the tumbler :)

It is actually longer + they could actually make a more detailed cockpit than with the tumbler in this batmobile + you have the gatlin gun option (factory scene)
So I would even say it can be made more detailed and thus more expensive, but I hope not of course :)

still, I would buy such a 1/6 scale car to come with the figure, this figure and filmcharacter is really too iconic to pass + it changed comic book movies forever
Re: HT Batman 1989 Coming

Yes thats my point, I have a custom workz 89 custom batman and you can fold the cape, to achieve that look!!!
Just hope they nail the cape this time not like the TDK line!!
Re: HT Batman 1989 Coming

It would be great if the cape is the same material in & out, so that way we can display with the cape just folded to the outside, hopefully they would not use to much rubber like the begins figure, and finally a 1/6 Batmobile 89, I need to star saving money!!!

those are good points indeed!
Re: HT Batman 1989 Coming

some iconic movie still have been posted here already, so let me add one as well (+ I hope they come with that accessoir)
Re: HT Batman 1989 Coming

Is that not the same cape with one picture showing it thrown over both shoulders?

No it is the same cape, you're right. But you couldn't achieve the over shoulders look without the scalloped part of the cape being soft rubber. That's what creates the issue. If you you make it so the cape can go over the shoulders, you have to utilize a rubber cowl, or part of one so it bends back. If that happens, that ruins the headsculpt (I don't think anyone here would want a rubber head).

If they make the scallops hard plastic, ala TDK OC Batman the cape will be under that and you can't get it to go over the shoulders.
Re: HT Batman 1989 Coming

No it is the same cape, you're right. But you couldn't achieve the over shoulders look without the scalloped part of the cape being soft rubber. That's what creates the issue. If you you make it so the cape can go over the shoulders, you have to utilize a rubber cowl, or part of one so it bends back. If that happens, that ruins the headsculpt (I don't think anyone here would want a rubber head).

If they make the scallops hard plastic, ala TDK OC Batman the cape will be under that and you can't get it to go over the shoulders.

Personally, I'm hoping they don't compromise the sculpt so the cape can be shown over the shoulders.

For me... the most iconic movie images/shots of Keaton have been with the cape down and that's how i'd personally like to display him given the chance.
Re: HT Batman 1989 Coming

Personally, I'm hoping they don't compromise the sculpt so the cape can be shown over the shoulders.

For me... the most iconic movie images/shots of Keaton have been with the cape down and that's how i'd personally like to display him given the chance.

Yep. Exactly.

I prefer the cowl scallops to be the same plastic that the headsculpt it and have the cape, under the cowl. No sacrifices.
Re: HT Batman 1989 Coming

It's actually largely the flexibility of the cape martiarl more than the cowl.

I was able to get it pretty close with my custom, but the biggest problem I ran into is the cape material is so rigid, it didn't want to be foled that way, even without a cowl there.

Re: HT Batman 1989 Coming

Damn, I love the Axis Chemicals shootout. One of my favorite scenes in any movie.
Re: HT Batman 1989 Coming

It's one of the best scenes in '89, great music, some really cool shots of Batman. Visually, the Axis fight and the church tower fights are my favorites.
Re: HT Batman 1989 Coming

I'm sure you're going to really enjoy the photography aspect of this release. The 1989 Batman is the perfect character for photo shoots. The placements of light, the shadows around the eyes, etc.

It's going to be fantastic.
Re: HT Batman 1989 Coming

damn, all this talk about the figure, the character and the burton like approach of it, makes me wanna go watch the movie, its been quite a while now...:)

But after all those years I can say for sure that this might be the movie I have watched the most and it still makes me wanna watch it.
Actually this was the movie that made me a movie maniac, so I am happy to have the assurance that the best 1/6 toy maker in the world will make figures of it (and hopefully also this............)

could not resist to post a pic of Bats, with his cape over his shoulder :) imo, its a nice pose TOO :)
Re: HT Batman 1989 Coming

I swear by all that is holy that I willy buy EVERY. SINGLE. FIGURE. from this licence.

Must have :-


Bruce Wayne (Long cromby coat)

Jack Napier

Joker DX (Several changes of outfit & Gallery paint head)

Vicki Vale/Bob 2 pack

Alexander Knox/Lawrence 2 pack


Commissioner Gordon/Lt. Eckhardt

Hopefully get the Returns too...

Batman DX (With Ripped off mask)

Tuxedo Bruce


Catwoman (battle damaged alt head)

Max Shreck/Selina Kyle 2 pack


These were always my two favourite pics



So you see we MUST get a VV so I can create this shot!
Re: HT Batman 1989 Coming

I hope they make more characters than just Batman and the Joker... i'd buy a figure of just about everyone from Batman 1989 by Hot Toys.
Re: HT Batman 1989 Coming

Vicky is boring, i can tell they wont make her

If HT is smart they'll release a TrueType with a Kim Basinger likeness. Honestly I know it'll probably be Batman and a flurry of Jokers but I kind of hope they make Bob the Goon.
Re: HT Batman 1989 Coming

I'm sure you're going to really enjoy the photography aspect of this release. The 1989 Batman is the perfect character for photo shoots. The placements of light, the shadows around the eyes, etc.

It's going to be fantastic.

Absolutely, Batman in general really lends to my personal tastes in photography, but especially Burton's lighting in the '89 movie, that's really up my ally. The lack of alternat hands, accessories and limits of the cape on my custom held me back a bit with that, hopefully should allow me more options.

While Joker wasn't often photographed dark, I think shooting him under "wait'll they get a load of me" lighting will allow for some interesting shots too.
Re: HT Batman 1989 Coming

oh no..... HT's is pumping em out. :panic:
I cant keep up anymore. :(
I think something is gona have to end.
Either sideshow or hot toys, but cant afford to keep collecting both.
One of them is gona have to get the boot, im thinking SS quettes, PF's and 12 inches might have to stop. Maybe HT's will be the only line i will collect. Just tooo much stuff :(
Re: HT Batman 1989 Coming

I have no interest in an '89 Batman (thank heavens - I've only just managed to clear my credit cards! lol), but my gut feeling is that this will be a bit like the Christopher Reeve Superman - kinda a one-shot deal, Batman, Joker and then done. I don't know why, but I feel like this is more of a "gift" to their fans who have been clamouring for 89 Batman rather than a line they would really pursue in any depth. And correct me if I'm wrong, but wasn't the Tumbler an almighty nightmare for HT? I'd be surprised (but wouldn't rule it out) if they decided to make the 89 Batmobile. And if they did I'd hate to be doing QC on that. Paint rubs on the Tumbler you can explain away as "wear and tear". 89 Batmobile would have to be pristine.
Re: HT Batman 1989 Coming

I've only just managed to clear my credit cards! lol

Thats the dream. Been some months since I had a clear CC, I really want to get back to that but HT aren't making it easy.

but my gut feeling is that this will be a bit like the Christopher Reeve Superman - kinda a one-shot deal, Batman, Joker and then done. I don't know why, but I feel like this is more of a "gift" to their fans who have been clamouring for 89 Batman rather than a line they would really pursue in any depth. And correct me if I'm wrong, but wasn't the Tumbler an almighty nightmare for HT? I'd be surprised (but wouldn't rule it out) if they decided to make the 89 Batmobile. And if they did I'd hate to be doing QC on that. Paint rubs on the Tumbler you can explain away as "wear and tear". 89 Batmobile would have to be pristine.

I'm not going to try to guess what they'll make or get my hopes up. Hot Toys are already causing me enough torment on their Terminator lines, a terrible cloud of doubt hanging over whether they'll finish out the important figures left to do. As to the Burton Batmobile though - I wouldn't be too mad if there was scuff marks like the Tumbler, why wouldn't the 89' one get banged up a bit? Yeah I'd prefer no marks because the ones on the Tumbler are not deliberate and its only after-the-fact rationalising to keep the OCD frustration at bay but I feel I could do the same for the 89mobile.
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