Hot Toys - Batman 1989 - Michael Keaton

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Re: HT Batman 1989 Coming

17 years. She likes the stuff as much as I do.

Now, if you can get her to dress up like catwoman...Thy name be The Bat Pimp!

All kidding aside, that woman is a rare find. Congrats!

Also, I recognize those two statues (the price that shall not be named) you have... saw them in a WB catalog back in '89 and was like "I'll never be able to save up enough allowance for that!" The Nicholson likeness holds up after all these years too. Brings me back.
Re: HT Batman 1989 Coming

He's not that important to me. :lol

Just finished deleting gilf porn SPAM with Robin Pachino... hence the misspelling. I know there's no "H."

:rotfl i can understand that, Pacino is good . For me if you had insulted De Niro then it wouldve been alot worse :wave
Re: HT Batman 1989 Coming

:rotfl i can understand that, Pacino is good . For me if you had insulted De Niro then it wouldve been alot worse :wave

De Niro's a whole other caliber. Just like Robin Williams. Both have been able to break the tightcast roles by going out of their way to find projects so far removed from the characters we know them for. :lol
Re: HT Batman 1989 Coming

How anyone can bring up Pacino's performances and not mention Dog Day Afternoon is beside me.

:lecture:lecture:lecture Gay Al Pacino. :lol

Though for argument's sake, if he'd really wanted to impress everybody with his acting skills, he would've played the "bottom."
Re: HT Batman 1989 Coming

De Niro's a whole other caliber. Just like Robin Williams. Both have been able to break the tightcast roles by going out of their way to find projects so far removed from the characters we know them for. :lol

at least we agree on that... Pacino is good in Serpico as well just to drop that one in dont think it was on the list :pfft:
Re: HT Batman 1989 Coming

17 years. She likes the stuff as much as I do.

Congratulations. I will be married 17 years this Sept also. My wife likes my stuff too. She likes it in the closet with the door shut:lol. I have 3 display cabinets and working on her for a fourth.:yess:
Re: HT Batman 1989 Coming

I'm curious. I know that Reeve was a shoe-in for the winner of that HT poll, but if I was a betting man, I'd say that Keaton and Nicholson took second. Anyway, the fact that we saw Superman pics and specs just weeks after that poll makes me wonder if the reveal for these can't be too far away.
Re: HT Batman 1989 Coming

I'm curious. I know that Reeve was a shoe-in for the winner of that HT poll, but if I was a betting man, I'd say that Keaton and Nicholson took second. Anyway, the fact that we saw Superman pics and specs just weeks after that poll makes me wonder if the reveal for these can't be too far away.

I'm hoping this MIGHT still show up by year's wouldn't that be too much (besides the money)?
HT will be LOADED next year just between DKR and Avengers alone- but sure to be alot more. I think they need to get this out late this year/early next for some breathing room.
Re: HT Batman 1989 Coming

I'm hoping for something from the Tokyo Toy Show, but I think that we can expect to see something by August.
Re: HT Batman 1989 Coming

I think you can scratch VV...HTs isn't too interested in supporting characters that have no costumes.

I don't think they would even do Bob, but I think he's a better bet than Vickie V.
Re: HT Batman 1989 Coming

Do whatever you want man, I think people will understand when they read the posts that
Re: HT Batman 1989 Coming

maybe they will release pictures in june, being that the movie was released on june 23 1989....just a thought
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