Hot Toys- Batman Begins:Batman Demon & Scarecrow spec and pics

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Scarecrow looks amazing!! plus I really like your Cop Joker pose!
Thanks for all the compliments guys!:):) I worked really hard to get this line up^^
I just bought the scarecrow head on eBay and I'm going to try and get the hands and boots. Much cheaper to build my own as Im not digging the straight jacket look.

What colour is the suit guys? It looks a lot like the Dent suit in some of these pics.
Yup, Ive got some hands on watch list right now. I didn't think of the stand though. Damn, that's gonna bug me!!
Dude, you need the stand.

Seriously though, that stuff would have bothered me, which is why I chose to just buy the whole shebang outright. I also might want to switch up the suit and straight-jacket look from time to time. And really, I guess I do have a bit of the OCD--want to have the original factory stuff--bug.
I use stands because my figures tell me they need them or else they won't be complete.