Hot Toys- Batman Begins:Batman Demon & Scarecrow spec and pics

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Zero futzing. Minimal posing. But here he is:


AWESOME, Bro. When's your horse coming in?

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hes going for more than bats, ive been offered/seen bats for as little as 200, and seen scarecrow for only as low as 250 or 300 alone. i think your best bet is to get the whole set and if you only want one sell te other.

im willing to pay 400 for the set. id love to get them together, but if anyone just wants one or the other id prolly pay 200 for either seperate... would love to get the set for closer to 330-350.
I just want the scarecrow head I've decided. Do you think the price will drop for the figure parted out or not? seems like later on parted out stuff usually is like buyitnow for like ridiculous prices.
because then i would have 2 jokers in my display, im a crazy man and cant come to terms with there being more than one of each character in a set up, it took me a year to find peace with battle armor heman riding battle cat next to regular heman.

its on with iron man because i can pretend the suits are just on display.

though i do have begins bat, and dx bat... but those are just too awesome to worry about.

Nah, not crazy at all! That's exactly my approach to them as well (I've even drawn the line at multiple Batmen, just having the OC one. Of course it helps I don't like the new suit anyway!!)

I actually think it reflects a difference in priorities or approach or something. I would never say that I collect Batman figures, I just buy the things that interest me. At what point do people think you pass from someone who purchases action figures into a "Collector"?
BBTS got a hold of some of the Bats and Scarecrow they are charging 500 for the set WHAT A RIP OFF... 250 a figure and they dont even realy come with anything extra... Scarecrow doesnt even have the lighter... DemonBats doesnt really come with anything ether... The Mark VI and Mark IV are going for less then that and they come with a lot of cool extras...
not enough people have it to take pictures of! someone get me a set for 350 and ill take pages and pages of pictures.
Wife just spotted Scarecrow. Her exact words were "you're out of control." :lol
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My set should be showing up this week and I'll soon be in the same position with my wife. :lol:rotfl:rotfl:lol She's starting to wonder how big a geek did she marry. Then again I'm not at the golf coarse or hitting the bars. :monkey3