My local shop where I pre-ordered this (26 months ago
) finally got him in, so I finally received my Sonar Bats last week!
I unsubscribed from this thread back in January so I wouldn't be "spoiled" too much by all the pictures, so I was amazed to see so little posts here.
This seems to a bit of a sleeper hit IMO, since I think the figure is really great! Definitely has that man in a suit vibe, and I love the color finish of the suit that changes depending on the lighting. He's more silver/black under the Detolf lights, and more silver/blue during daylight. This is also the first HT cape I don't feel the need to replace as it drapes really well.
I don't know if the rather lackluster Robin took away from some of its thunder, or if the oversized scale bothers people too much (I display him on a single shelf and have no other figures to pair him with, so luckily that doesn't bother me here), or it's just the movie itself, but I can see this figure being quite sought after in a few years.
And while this is definitely a museum pose type of figure for me, I still like how subtle changes to his pose gives him some attitude.
It's definitely been a great year for DC figures in my collection so far with this and InArt Joker.