I personally enjoyed BF more than BvS because at least it wasn't trying to be what it isn't.These are in such a weird spot for me. They come from such a ****** movie but the figures just look so good and fun. Can't help but want them on display together.
Honestly Batman Forever might be my favorite Batman movie pre-2005, idk it’s a dumb movie but there’s something I like about it and I think Kilmer did a good job and has a very BTAS vibe. I wonder how it would be remembered if a more similar sequel was made instead of Batman & Robin.I personally enjoyed BF more than BvS because at least it wasn't trying to be what it isn't.
I would have preferred had they used a movie poster as the box art like they did with the also just released Batman Begins (re?)release. Just looks classier to me, I dunno. I don't need to see the figure itself on the front, I'm gonna see the figure when I open it up.
Probably the first time on a Batman figure at least. The Arkham City Batman suit is also iridescent between purple and navy blue, but the HT figure is completely flat, ditto with the 89 Batmobile which was supposed to be a two tone flip flop color while the figure was just a shiny black. I'm glad to see this figure having the right colors for once.Also from watching that vid the figures looks great, but it has the limited range i expected. What really surprised me though is that they did an iridescent finish on this figure. Is this the first time HT has done this? I remember being angry that HT never did this for the robocop figure, but they did it for this figure. I wasn't expecting this.
Re: Speculation: Hot Toys Batman Forever Batman (sonar suit)
Just making figures from old licenses wouldn't be a challenge though - if I were to guess I'd say they're going ahead with some of those Star Wars dioramas like the Falcon cockpit and maybe the main hold. I dunno.
I was thinking that too. A lot of the blogger photos i noticed It really comes down to proper lighting and posing of the eyes.Is it just me or has some of the Kilmer likeness slightly been lost between proto and final?
Come to think of it though, I wasn't totally in love with the boxes for DX08/09 either. I loved the format but not the cover art-choice necessarily as I felt the images were too indistinct.....if memory serves. They're in the attic....hopefully still in good conditionI also wish they had used more of that batman forever green font color on the box, instead of all that grey and white. Looks boring once you take the cover off.
Not a fan of how those shoulder plates bulge like that. I know the suit is basically seamless, but i wish they had designed this figure with better arm/shoulder articulation. Like how they did endgame cap. There would be a seam yes, but i think people would be ok with it if it meant better rotation at the shoulder and improved posability. I chose to just get batman. Not a robin fan.
Squinting over to those unfinished T1 1/6 Endos...
Did they actually, or that's just wishful thinking...?^^Maybe if/when Inart announces they're doing Terminator figures.....