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I concur.

I think that sometimes, with these figures being as expensive as they are, major characters such as Superman, Batman, Captain America, Iron Man, etc. will generally win out over characters such as Black Widow, WW, etc. If it came between say getting a Captain America or a Black Widow figure, I think the majority of people would choose the former. The female figures I think are simply an addition to the characters that you feel are the centerpiece to your collection. It doesn't have anything to do with being sexist either, it's just that the aforementioned male characters are generally the more well known characters as far as superheroes.

I have several female characters in my collection, but a lot of them are additions to an otherwise centerpiece in my collection.

You're correct about certain male characters being more well-known (on the movie/TV side), but how much of it is because of the character himself and how much of it is because of the company/medium promoting the character? It's a bit of a feedback loop where male characters get the most exposure/promotion, become more popular, and then warrant more exposure/promotion because of that popularity.

When characters like Batman or Superman have constant exposure (over a long period of time) and solo films/shows, of course they'll feel more iconic and important. Give Black Widow her own movie (treated with the same level of respect/care as the rest of the MCU), and a Black Widow figure will become a centerpiece instead of a complement to something else. In general, it's hard for a supporting character (male or female) that doesn't have much screen time or character development to break out in popularity, even if they are part of the plot. Fans naturally gravitate towards the leads, and as long as female characters are in supporting roles, they'll continue to not be seen as "major characters". [And yes, I understand there's a chicken/egg issue with regards to the demand for a female-led movie, but I think we're at a point where the demand is there as long as the quality is as well]

/End soapbox. :lecture

But back on topic- I'm really looking forward to the Wonder Woman figure, though I have a feeling I'll have to swap in a Phicen body to avoid any peeling/cracking.
Well reactions are starting to pop up from the NYC premiere. These got me even more hyped up.

No one will even be thinking about how big or little she is or ins't when watching the film, because she kicks much ass. Trust me.
I got midnight tickets for Thursday.
I cant believe its almost here. :panic:

Very cool!

Nor can I. I remember when they first released that teaser trailer with the scene where armored Bats is shining the signal up in the sky, looking at Supes hovering with glowing heat vision eyes. Roughly two years ago I believe that was? The film seemed so far away at that time, and now it's only 4 days away!
I really hope I love it. I was cautiously optimistic about The Force Awakens and ended up really not liking it at all and I hope that doesn't happen for this film as well. Plus I never trust early reactions. Thursday night can't come soon enough. What's funny is that is never doubted Gal in the role and I hope she kills it! I hope everyone kills it in the film.
I'm seeing it Thursday at 6 at the Alamo so I can drink during the movie. So if it does suck for some reason at least I'm drinking the pain of it away. :lol Can't wait though.
Personally for me, even when I see a film for the first time, that's still not really enough to accurately judge it. The first time I see something is just my initial reaction. As I'm sure a lot of people know, you never catch everything in the first viewing of something, or what's attempting to be conveyed in a film doesn't fully set in. It takes a few times of seeing it and kind of digesting everything that's happening.

I can see something for the first time, like it, then have that likeness wane later on after seeing it a few times and realizing it's not quite as good as what I wanted it to be or what I initially thought it to be. Conversely, I can also see something for the first time, not really like it, but then end up liking it after seeing it a few more times and realizing that it's actually better than what I initially gave it credit for. Or, I can see something for the first time, like it, and continue liking it just as much with each subsequent viewing. :lol
I'm very certain I'll end up watching it twice this week.
My big regret is not being able to get IMAX tickets. By the time I found out tickets are on sale, the only seats left for the Thursday night show is at the very back and at the side.
So I didnt want to ruin my first viewing. So I bought 3d tickets.

But I'm gonna try to watch it again this weekend on IMAX.