I think Favreau is hit and miss. Loved Iron Man, Cowboy and Aliens... not so much. Like Zathura, Jungle Book was one of the worst movies I have seen this year.
That's all it's about.
I wouldn't sit here and agree with someone that says they feel any particular film is a bad film if I personally didn't feel it was.
Nah, I can admit to liking the odd bad film. They're not good films just because I personally got some enjoyment from them.
That's ok...it is watchable and has some REALLY good parts- the fights start out epic but are incredibly short and rushed and I never understood that. Favreau is very talented but the script was..well lacking
Precisely. Just like things aren't good films just because I personally didn't get enjoyment out of them. I can admit to disliking what are generally considered "good" films to other people.
Yeah, works both ways. Just have to keep the bias separate![]()
It works both ways indeed. However, I don't think there's any bias if you personally admantly feel something isn't or is a good or bad film. Just because the majority of other people feel that something is good or bad, that doesn't mean you have to agree with them and "admit" that it's good or bad simply because that's what they think.
I think most people have the propensity to follow rather than lead, and they choose the side that everyone else is on because it requires the least amount of explanation when confronted.
I think everybody has guilty pleasures. I, for some reason, love all the big Block Buster that everyone else seems to hate: John Carter, Lone Ranger, BvS (didn't like Battleship). Love 'em. Doesn't mean I can't see they lack stuff, but part of them connect with something in me. Like Red Planet, yeah, that God-Awful film with Val Kilmer. This piece of dialogue, which is fairly simple:
Gallagher: I shoulda kissed you.
Commander Kate Bowman: Yeah, you shoulda kissed me.
But it made the film for me. I love this film. And it's crap. But I'll watch it, just to see and hear and experience that dialogue.
You can break a film down and look at it from a technical perspective, whereas you can't say a film is good, and then just back yourself up with 'I liked it'.
Even from a technical perspective, most of those are still based on opinion. Even then, if a "technical" perspective is the measuring stick on what makes a film good or bad, then I would disagree. If a film has bad pacing, bad visuals, etc., but the story and the plot are good and fun, then that's what I would consider more makes the film enjoyable.
I personally don't really care if that's an "insult" to the art of filmmaking because who ultimately decides whether their film is "good" or not are the viewers based on how much they did or didn't enjoy it. And that's based on personal opinion.
True, but everybody hated them BEFORE they came out. A danish film critic jumped on the Lone Ranger-hate on FB, when it began, and told everybody what an awful film it was. I reminded her, that she had given it 3/5 stars. Which means she thought it was good but not great. But when the hate began, suddenly, she thought it was ****e. Her response to me was - "It was three small stars". To which I replied "They had the same size all the stars have." and then she unfriended me. But it goes to show that people pour hate on these films just cause it's a trend. It's the same with Carter (which did have SERIOUS problems, admitted) and BvS. For some reason, Marvel is the holy grail. They can't do wrong. AoU is a piece of crap film. The story makes no sense, there is zero logic, the acting is terrible and it's not shot very well. And the script is... well... it's bad. But's Whedon and for some strange reason, he is God. And everybody was like "this is not as good as the first one, but it's entertaining." No, it's crap. Crap can be entertaining, but it's still crap.
AoU isn't bad. It's got a lot of flaws, definitely, but all things considered it's a pretty decent film.
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