I disagree. Have the UT since the 28th as well and already watched it three times. BvS is a great film imo. Its fine if people don't agree, but why is it mandatory for the people who did not like it to come into these threads and bum everyone out with the negativity?! You will never see me in the Civil War figures threads and tell people how much I hated that factory assembled TV look-a-like crap fest.
However, what I don't understand that seems "mandatory" to me is why people feel the need to compare the two and decide which one is the definitive, better film. Don't get me wrong, I understand being that they are two big films from the same genre released at roughly around the same time, comparisons are going to be natural and inevitable and that one will have a personal preference over the other. However, I VERY seldom see anyone say they enjoyed both for what they were intended to be. It either has to be, BvS was utterly amazing and Civil War was a complete crap fest, or Civil War was absolutely fantastic and BvS was a total crap show. Like I said, very seldom have I ever seen anyone say that they thoroughly enjoyed both, but just simply prefer one slightly over the other. To me, Marvel and DC have two different unique film styles and both are very enjoyable. What Marvel films generally lack, DC films generally have and what DC films generally lack, Marvel generally has. DC doesn't need to be more like Marvel and Marvel doesn't need to be more like DC.
Myself, I immensely enjoyed both films. However, if forced to choose, I would have to say I prefer BvS a little more and the UE just solidifies that preference even more so.
To me, with the UE of BvS, if you didn't like the tone of the film to begin with or didn't like the way any particular character was portrayed, the UE won't "fix" that. You're still going to dislike it. However, what it does "fix" is it fills in things that would have otherwise been construed as plotholes. It has scenes that serve as better segues between scenes and as opposed to being like rock merely skipping over the water, the UE is a straight, fluent line.