The BvS Barbies retail for $40, ignore the ridic reseller prices you're seeing on Amazon.
If its $40, then yeah...that's not bad at all. But anything north of $50 is crazy.
Looks like the exact same proto we've seen already.
That low chest still bothers me immensely. Even more than lack of shoulder
If everyone stuck to that belief HT would be out of business. Just gotta find your limit of what you're willing to spend.You do realize though that buying ANY figure, HT included, north of $150 is crazy too right? (Though I do it too). A doll isn't worth more than that!
If everyone stuck to that belief HT would be out of business. Just gotta find your limit of what you're willing to spend.
Folks are just worried is all. I agree the final product will probably be awesome. They nailed the physique on both Cavill figs so no reason they can't here.
You guys are freaking out over nothing. It's still the same prototype, give it time. The headsculpt is pretty much perfect, the cape looks really nice and everything that's sculpted (gauntlets, weapons, belt, boots, etc.) are dead on.
They'll tweak the suit and body proportions I'm sure. They did it on the Spider-Man figures, they did it on the Superman figures, why wouldn't they do it with BATMAN? I bet the final product for this thing is awesome.