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Im with you on that I bet in hand it will phenomenal, it might, just maybe, need a tony meis upgrade of a cape

I was actually thinking that this maybe my first Batman that won't need a custom cape.
We'll have to wait and see actual photos but so far the cape looks good enough to me.

Actually there were more than two... there were four if I remember correctly. However only two are glimpses of the future... the other two are the nightmare Bruce has of his mother's tomb - with the giant bat, and the other is the retelling of the origin... which I thought was excellently done, and the way Thomas says "Martha" beautifully echoes Clark's use of "Martha" later on.
Those two dreams/nightmares however blended seamlessly to me, and didn't seem too much – especially the origin, let's face it if Snyder had done a straight forward retelling of Clark's origin and Bruce's origin stories there would be people moaning that we'd seen it all before and did we really need to see it all again. But then as in MoS, Snyder tries to be different and people moan about that too. :cuckoo:

Oh, and for the record - I stayed away from all possible spoilers before the movie - I understood it all perfectly first time, I just think people are now so used to 'safe', simple, child-friendly comic book movies... movies that you can miss 20mins and not lose the thread of the story, that it blows their minds that they should have to think and absorb a movie in the same genre. Also can't see why you can't have and like both!?!
I was actually thinking that this maybe my first Batman that won't need a custom cape.
We'll have to wait and see actual photos but so far the cape looks good enough to me.

Yeah, the cape actually looks great on this figure. It's no bigger than it needs to be and seems to sit nicely.

And does anyone else wish the brand would've been attached to a separate arm? It would've been neat to have an LED feature on it.
Both Nolan and Snyder use the best story arcs of the comics to mold their movies in their vision, either way its Batman its dark and brooding otherwise it would be like making the Punisher funny or something

I'm glad you understood what I said. Autocorrect screws me hard on my phone haha.

I think Josh Whedon could make an amazing Batman movie but it would never be anywhere near an Oscar Nom. Maybe it's the realism I'm thinking of.
I think they could make a movie based on nothing else batman, I feel Nolan took elements inspired by comics but elevated them where Snyder attempted to capture moments but failed by not giving them enough weight. Like it was stuffed in for the sake of it in BvS.
I'm glad you understood what I said. Autocorrect screws me hard on my phone haha.

I think Josh Whedon could make an amazing Batman movie but it would never be anywhere near an Oscar Nom. Maybe it's the realism I'm thinking of.
I think they could make a movie based on nothing else batman, I feel Nolan took elements inspired by comics but elevated them where Snyder attempted to capture moments but failed by not giving them enough weight. Like it was stuffed in for the sake of it in BvS.

Nolan started off superbly - I thought he really understood the character, and I enjoyed the journey Bruce took to beoming Batman in 'Begins", however the whole giving up because Dent could be the hero the City needs **** started a bit of a downward spiral for me with Nolan's trilogy. TDK is a superb movie, till the very end. TDKR however is where Nolan takes a huge dump on the character in my opinion. I've read accusations on here that Snyder get's Batman's character wrong in BvS, not true at all, but if you want to see Batman done wrong watch TDKR – just the first few minutes where it says "8 years later" and then let's you know that the Dent act successfully eradicated organised crime... Bruce could not just give up being Batman, and he certainly doesn't have an interest in organised crime only... but even if we suspend that belief, the fact that they made the gap 8 years was just too ridiculous... there's far more wrong with that movie... too much to go into here!
On another topic, did anyone else notice the "It's time to learn what it means to be a man" line was missing from the movie? I remember it from one of the trailers and thought it sounded cool.
Do you guys think the batman stand alone film will have a serious tone like the Nolan trilogy or more of a "comic book" movie?

The difference being TDK was actually Oscar nominated where I don't see a change if any marvel movie ever getting nominated even though they are brilliant. I say this sine Affleck is directing.

Back on topic, do HotToys only make a very limited amount of special editions. In on the wait list for the bundle since release day of BvS and am curious what are the actual chances ill score it

I agree with The Clown Prince, a Batman movie has to be a gritty crime drama but in the context of the DCEU we should also get some of the most fantastic elements of the the superhero world.
Hopefully it will be the best of both worlds, I trust Affleck.
I've been a Batman fan since the late 70's / early 80's, I've liked every comic book iteration but was less enthusiastic about the movie versions.
I disliked the 89 and 90's movies (no offense to the many fans), I loved the Nolan films but Batffleck is the first time I really feel like I'm seeing Batman on film.
I credit Snyder for that, he gets a lot of crap from critics and some fans but his stuff looks like it jumped straight out of a comic book.
I agree with The Clown Prince, a Batman movie has to be a gritty crime drama but in the context of the DCEU we should also get some of the most fantastic elements of the the superhero world.
Hopefully it will be the best of both worlds, I trust Affleck.
I've been a Batman fan since the late 70's / early 80's, I've liked every comic book iteration but was less enthusiastic about the movie versions.
I disliked the 89 and 90's movies (no offense to the many fans), I loved the Nolan films but Batffleck is the first time I really feel like I'm seeing Batman on film.
I credit Snyder for that, he gets a lot of crap from critics and some fans but his stuff looks like it jumped straight out of a comic book.

In the words of Bushido Brown


That is the definitive truth its the first time we get an actual comic adaptation, all 3 of them looked fantastic I mean come on people

I agree with The Clown Prince, a Batman movie has to be a gritty crime drama but in the context of the DCEU we should also get some of the most fantastic elements of the the superhero world.
Hopefully it will be the best of both worlds, I trust Affleck.
I've been a Batman fan since the late 70's / early 80's, I've liked every comic book iteration but was less enthusiastic about the movie versions.
I disliked the 89 and 90's movies (no offense to the many fans), I loved the Nolan films but Batffleck is the first time I really feel like I'm seeing Batman on film.
I credit Snyder for that, he gets a lot of crap from critics and some fans but his stuff looks like it jumped straight out of a comic book.

Agree there – for me personally the fight scene in the warehouse is the best CMB fight scene ever, so brutal in it's execution. It's doesn't look like the usual choreographed martial arts stand-off, and it looks like Batman hits those guys so they stay down.
Agree there – for me personally the fight scene in the warehouse is the best CMB fight scene ever, so brutal in it's execution. It's doesn't look like the usual choreographed martial arts stand-off, and it looks like Batman hits those guys so they stay down.

Thanks! I helped the choreographer with that one because I play the Arkham games, so we researched his movesets from that and came up with what you saw on screen, give or take some moves. :wink1:
Thanks! I helped the choreographer with that one because I play the Arkham games, so we researched his movesets from that and came up with what you saw on screen, give or take some moves. :wink1:

That could be the most awesome thing I've ever heard. Kudos to you good sir!
Thanks! I helped the choreographer with that one because I play the Arkham games, so we researched his movesets from that and came up with what you saw on screen, give or take some moves. :wink1:


Holy crap! That's friggin awesome. When I saw the scene in its entirety, my initial reaction was jokingly "Snyder played the Arkham games..."

But to think the game actually had an influence is incredible. Great job dude!
Thanks guys! I'm thinking back to the time, about 2 years ago around October 2014 before we were about to shoot it, when I was talking to my friend back home about BvS, and he wasn't sold on a Batfleck, but I had mentioned I was going to be assisting in fight choreography and that we're doing Arkham style fighting, his eyes lit up and I think he was excited for Batfleck at that point :lol I'm happy people enjoy it. :duff:
yeah thats my though exactly the suit has history, I think in the original version the suit is specially design for superman right? I think this version has seen battle before though, killer croc or Bane would make sense

It'd be cool if there was a flashback in Suicide Squad of how Batman caught Killer Croc. The suit could make an appearance, given all those scratch marks on it... haha :yess:
I took my daughter (who's 12) to see the movie today, and she said afterwards "It felt much more real than the other films" (She meant the Marvel stuff) + she thought WW was bad ass. She didn't use those words, but... I think she likes BW as well, but Wonder Woman... She just kicked ass on a whole different level. Having a daughter, I think it's very important that she can have positive female role models. She is certainly looking forward to WW solo film now :)
I took my daughter (who's 12) to see the movie today, and she said afterwards "It felt much more real than the other films" (She meant the Marvel stuff) + she thought WW was bad ass. She didn't use those words, but... I think she likes BW as well, but Wonder Woman... She just kicked ass on a whole different level. Having a daughter, I think it's very important that she can have positive female role models. She is certainly looking forward to WW solo film now :)

That's great to hear!

That's pretty perceptive and astute for a 12 year old also to make that relation as far as what feels more "real" to the world that we live in today. She definitely has a great role model in WW.