I bet in hand the teeth won't even be noticeable unless you get right up close to the sculpt. I can barely make out the Tux Joker's metal teeth from more than a few feet away.
My sentiments as well. The teeth really don't bother me at all. The teeth on many sculpts, as you said, when the mouth is only slightly open are barely noticeable in hand; TFA Rey, for instance. I personally prefer detail in the teeth as opposed to the solid white strip.
When people start receiving these in hand, it'll be a "great looking" figure with an "awesome" sculpt. Happens every time on here like clockwork after the knee jerk reaction when the prototype and initial final product pictures are shown.
I see this thread has turned from the everyone is antsy for the release stage to the everyone feels the need to complain about something stage.
Personally I think she looks great. Glad I have her on pre-order and can't wait for it to arrive.
I've yet to see a figure released that doesn't get complaints here, even sculpts I consider near flawless. Not suggesting this one is in that category but it's still very good. The sculpting on the upper body looks especially impressive. Looking forward to I Am Toy's and Dean Knight's reviews then finally getting her in hand a few weeks from now.
I think the Proto was already nice, and was hoping for an improvement which they did, so I'm a happy camper here.
I'm glad she's finally here.
My trinity would be complete soon.
I'm in love.
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I see a lot of unwarranted negativity on this release. Facebook is even worse when the non-collectors chime in.
This is not a perfect release - none of them ever are. But it's the most realistic version if the Gal Gadot Wonder Woman in a posable figure format currently available. For that reason, I'll take it. There's always a culture of not good enough this or not good enough that. People are living in the reality of what's currently available and not some fantasy standard of a character that is ultimately unattainable (because everyone has different ideas about what works for them for that particular character).
I see a lot of unwarranted negativity on this release. Facebook is even worse when the non-collectors chime in.
This is not a perfect release - none of them ever are. But it's the most realistic version if the Gal Gadot Wonder Woman in a posable figure format currently available. For that reason, I'll take it. There's always a culture of not good enough this or not good enough that. People are living in the reality of what's currently available and not some fantasy standard of a character that is ultimately unattainable (because everyone has different ideas about what works for them for that particular character).
This was probably the best that Hot Toys was capable of given the materials and current demands for this release. I agree it's not a perfect likeness and maybe even that the Training Version has a better likeness...however, this is still a strong likeness. The complaints on the teeth sticking out are also pretty silly and overly exaggerated.
When will these figures ever be good enough? Several years back, Sideshow was the standard. Now, it's Hot Toys. The demands for heightened realism/photorealism in the sculpt/clothing/paintwork of figures seems to grow day by day, but when will that ever be enough?
Back when I was a kid, the small Star Wars figures were good enough. Today, there's a certain stylization they're known for which gives them a kind of charm that feeds our nostalgia. I think that, ultimately, is more important than any blatant display of the kind of generic realism/accuracy that's so common these days in the 1/6 scale figures.
You have to put the subtitles on to see what they are saying.![]()
I see a lot of unwarranted negativity on this release. Facebook is even worse when the non-collectors chime in.
This is not a perfect release - none of them ever are. But it's the most realistic version if the Gal Gadot Wonder Woman in a posable figure format currently available.
This was probably the best that Hot Toys was capable of given the materials and current demands for this release.
and maybe even that the Training Version has a better likeness...
Looks like the prototype, so I don't think anyone has much room to be upset if they preordered.
But doesn't look great from a likeness pov. And that hair leaves something to be desired.
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