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Put mine in a bit more of an action pose, with an attempt at some windblown hair. Really loving this figure, and the sculpt is definitely looking like Gadot to me from the nose up. It's just the mouth and the too-narrow head that throws things off a bit.

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And here she is with her buds

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Put mine in a bit more of an action pose, with an attempt at some windblown hair. Really loving this figure, and the sculpt is definitely looking like Gadot to me from the nose up. It's just the mouth and the too-narrow head that throws things off a bit.

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And here she is with her buds

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Dang, beautiful shots Dave. You really did bring out the gadot in her. Love the pose and the hair, simple but lovely.
Here's a couple of shots I did of Wonder Woman. Articulation isn't great but still a good figure!

y3ut4qdW56tZ.jpg6Q6RIdcAL9hm.jpgy6UauAPRSLq7.jpg I need a professional camera for indoor or after dark&outdoor pics. But for your knowledge - if you have outdoor flood lights on your house or LED lights on your car, you can genuinely capture details of your figures (paints, colors, outfits et) with a cell phone's camera that will look like high definition pics! ********* And DAVEJAMES, everyone I spoken with about this figure basically says the same about the sculpt: "while they love it, there's still something off about the likeness." But the good thing is, the more you pose it, study it, play around with it (whatever you do) the more ways you'll find to bring out the actor's facial resemblance. Your pics/poses; work done to find right pose et, is already paying off.
View attachment 371191View attachment 371193View attachment 371195 I need a professional camera for indoor or after dark&outdoor pics. But for your knowledge - if you have outdoor flood lights on your house or LED lights on your car, you can genuinely capture details of your figures (paints, colors, outfits et) with a cell phone's camera that will look like high definition pics! ********* And DAVEJAMES, everyone I spoken with about this figure basically says the same about the sculpt: "while they love it, there's still something off about the likeness." But the good thing is, the more you pose it, study it, play around with it (whatever you do) the more ways you'll find to bring out the actor's facial resemblance. Your pics/poses; work done to find right pose et, is already paying off.

Jeez, can you keep these weird pics to a custom thread, dude?! It's not what I expect to see when i come to visit this thread...:gah:
Yeah, no offense mate, but they're just customs you're showing which shouldn't in the Hot Toys Wonder Woman thread.

... Not to mention, whenever I see the photos I feel like I'm seeing a snuff film where someone has forced a look like Gal Gadot to get a boob job, grease and cut her hair up franatically and try on some clothes. I think it's the camera quality and close up frame of her also, I don't know... I just feel dirty seeing them as I'm scrolling down the page. Maybe that's just me.

No offense meant, just probably better to put them in a thread where people who appreciate it can comment on it for you

@Davejames, jeez, those pics are great, how the hell did you get her hair like that, best I've seen so far and it doesn't look like you gelled it or anything, share your secrets!
Yeah, no offense mate, but they're just customs you're showing which shouldn't in the Hot Toys Wonder Woman thread.

... Not to mention, whenever I see the photos I feel like I'm seeing a snuff film where someone has forced a look like Gal Gadot to get a boob job, grease and cut her hair up franatically and try on some clothes. I think it's the camera quality and close up frame of her also, I don't know... I just feel dirty seeing them as I'm scrolling down the page. Maybe that's just me.

No offense meant, just probably better to put them in a thread where people who appreciate it can comment on it for you

@Davejames, jeez, those pics are great, how the hell did you get her hair like that, best I've seen so far and it doesn't look like you gelled it or anything, share your secrets!

I agree =\
@Davejames, jeez, those pics are great, how the hell did you get her hair like that, best I've seen so far and it doesn't look like you gelled it or anything, share your secrets!

Thanks, I guess it must come from all those hours of practice I had futzing the hair on Chewie. :D Not really sure what advice I can give. The hair is already curled pretty well, it's just a matter of separating and teasing out different sections and creating a more layered look with them (by pulling some sections forward that were in the back, for instance). And I did use a bit of Dollfie wax to give the hair more of a shine and make the ends a bit sharper.

I can see the hair ended up a bit too big in the latest pics, so I've since pressed it in some more.
Thanks, I guess it must come from all those hours of practice I had futzing the hair on Chewie. :D Not really sure what advice I can give. The hair is already curled pretty well, it's just a matter of separating and teasing out different sections and creating a more layered look with them (by pulling some sections forward that were in the back, for instance). And I did use a bit of Dollfie wax to give the hair more of a shine and make the ends a bit sharper.

I can see the hair ended up a bit too big in the latest pics, so I've since pressed it in some more.

Amazing pictures! I may need to steal one of your poses :clap
Thanks, I guess it must come from all those hours of practice I had futzing the hair on Chewie. :D Not really sure what advice I can give. The hair is already curled pretty well, it's just a matter of separating and teasing out different sections and creating a more layered look with them (by pulling some sections forward that were in the back, for instance). And I did use a bit of Dollfie wax to give the hair more of a shine and make the ends a bit sharper.

I can see the hair ended up a bit too big in the latest pics, so I've since pressed it in some more.

Dollfie wax is the best isn’t it :wink1:
Are the furrows at the inner corners of her eyebrows something you photoshopped in? Really helps with the likeness!

Yeah, I'm a little sad that she just came with a blank stare and wanted to give her a little more emotion. I can't wait to check out the JL version!
it's just a matter of separating and teasing out different sections and creating a more layered look with them (by pulling some sections forward that were in the back, for instance).

This is a trick I employed as well.

For instance, the locks of hair that cascade down in front of her collarbones, are locks of hair that I actually pulled from just behind the most forefront ones and brought them forward, and then layered the most forefront ones on top of the ones I brought forward and then sort of pushed those back a bit.

It sort of helps create this effect, where you can see there's a lock or whisp of her hair on either side that sort of layers over locks of hair from behind the most forefront locks, and it's the ones behind them that actually drape down in front of her collarbone:

Yeah, no offense mate, but they're just customs you're showing which shouldn't in the Hot Toys Wonder Woman thread.

... Not to mention, whenever I see the photos I feel like I'm seeing a snuff film where someone has forced a look like Gal Gadot to get a boob job, grease and cut her hair up franatically and try on some clothes. I think it's the camera quality and close up frame of her also, I don't know... I just feel dirty seeing them as I'm scrolling down the page. Maybe that's just me.

No offense meant, just probably better to put them in a thread where people who appreciate it can comment on it for you

@Davejames, jeez, those pics are great, how the hell did you get her hair like that, best I've seen so far and it doesn't look like you gelled it or anything, share your secrets!

I disagree 100% with your opinion. And your comparing my figure to the type of movie mentioned IS DISGUSTING AND INCREADIBLY OFFENSIVE. Offense IS taken. Upon signing up for this forum I read the rules. One states "don't insult someone's pictures/post because you don't know how much hard work went into their presenting pics/post to this "public forum". This thread is about the Hot Toys Wonder Woman figure. I spent my money on my figure just like you did. And these pics represent what I did with my figure. I post these to help others understand the elements of the sculpt better. And I'll post more because again, this is my Hot Toys Wonder Woman figure and that's what this thread is ALL ABOUT. I don't care what anyone's cliched expectations are (for your knowledge, you can see plenty of pics of WW, Sup and Batman from other talented folks here on almost every page). So if you have a problem with the pictures I'm posting on this public forum about the product being discussed via this thread - too bad. Go home and cry to your mother.
vW0NdHXW04c6.jpg More from my Hot Toys Wonder Woman figure. Thanks again to everyone cool enough here who helped me get the hair right! Peace!!!