Hot Toys Christopher Reeve DX Superman petition.

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Excited for this - if this happens, i'm 100% certain an 89 Bats / Joker will only be a matter of time. Perhaps 2011?

If Reeve is made, and sells out - which he will, sell out I mean - then I too think it would make an 89 Batman much more likely, if there's no problems with the likeness rights.
I'm glad this seems to be building up some momentum -
However I wouldn't expect an announcement until after Mattel release theirs in the spring as it would jeapordise sales to say the least....
This is one of my most wanted figures. However, we'd still need a Gene Hackman Luthor to go along with it (seeing as the SR line didn't even get a Spacey figure, but TDK gets Two Face and half a dozen Jokers!)
Excited for this - if this happens, i'm 100% certain an 89 Bats / Joker will only be a matter of time. Perhaps 2011?

Cinemaquette has the 89 Batman cowl, batmobile and Batwing, so the licensing mechanism is in gear for this film. Just the likeness rights will be an issue. And Nicholson's deal on the film where he got a ton of moola from licensing could nix a Joker.
I'd love for this to happen. Going to be getting the Mattel one anyway, but HT would be fantastic.

Like the idea of a donation going to Reeve foundation as well.
This is one of my most wanted figures. However, we'd still need a Gene Hackman Luthor to go along with it (seeing as the SR line didn't even get a Spacey figure, but TDK gets Two Face and half a dozen Jokers!)

I'd be delighted but surprised if we saw a Luthor - HT Batman line didn't even get to Scarecrow and Ra's. I doubt we'll see anything more than Superman, but if they did make a villain Zod would be the obvious first choice (well, it was obvious to Mattel anyway).
I'd be delighted but surprised if we saw a Luthor - HT Batman line didn't even get to Scarecrow and Ra's. I doubt we'll see anything more than Superman, but if they did make a villain Zod would be the obvious first choice (well, it was obvious to Mattel anyway).

Ah well, he's all I need. :D
I'd be delighted but surprised if we saw a Luthor - HT Batman line didn't even get to Scarecrow and Ra's. I doubt we'll see anything more than Superman, but if they did make a villain Zod would be the obvious first choice (well, it was obvious to Mattel anyway).

Blasphemy, I want my Hot Toys Jimmy Olsen!!
Blasphemy, I want my Hot Toys Jimmy Olsen!!

With collapsing dam diorama.

Tell you who I'd like - one of those Kryptonian Guards you glimpse at the beginning.

Luther with wigs would be kind of fun plus prison outfit.
I'd be delighted but surprised if we saw a Luthor - HT Batman line didn't even get to Scarecrow and Ra's. I doubt we'll see anything more than Superman, but if they did make a villain Zod would be the obvious first choice (well, it was obvious to Mattel anyway).

Zod and Superman would be the two I'd want.
But is there any solid confirmation on this release... All I saw on that toysdaily form was a whole bunch of asian font character with Reeve Superman amongst it?

This could be the new "Dark Con of Man"
But is there any solid confirmation on this release... All I saw on that toysdaily form was a whole bunch of asian font character with Reeve Superman amongst it?

This could be the new "Dark Con of Man"

There's NO solid confirmation on this release - by which I mean a Hot Toys teaser pic and official announcement. All I know of is

1. Seeing a rumor list on HT's FB page that included a Reeve Superman figure.

2. I contacted someone who posts on the boards who seems to know stuff about upcoming HT releases and asked them about this - they answered a number of questions (see the previous couple of pages) and I've no reason to think they're not legit.

3. Various people on these boards say they've heard its coming.

Everything that's rumored might be BS and even if it isn't who's to say it will actually make it to production. At the moment we're getting excited about an accumulation of rumors. My personal feeling is that there's enough 'chatter' about it to suggest that HT are at least thinking about it. But I - and we - could be wrong.
Cinemaquette has the 89 Batman cowl, batmobile and Batwing, so the licensing mechanism is in gear for this film. Just the likeness rights will be an issue. And Nicholson's deal on the film where he got a ton of moola from licensing could nix a Joker.

I thought he owned the Jack Napier name and that's how he got a big chunk of change for that made up alter ego of the Joker? I dunno.
And, I had two more questions answered. First, is it a DX:

No idea if it is going to be a dx but they are talking about doing a 2 for 1 on this one too.... Superman and Clark Kent

And will it look like Reeve? Apparently, what has been seen so far looks like him.

Man! If this gets done, DCfan, you're giving me my best Xmas gift, EVER!
Well,now its confirmed by Howard in Milk magazine over in the "Aliens/Robots-T2 thread" you can all rejoice and read about a few of the other goodies as well!!
Saw that earlier! So awesome... this will likely be "the" figure to own :rock

Lame-o Routh Superman will soon be getting the boot out of my collection; he was a good placeholder, but with a Reeve Superman on the way his days are numbered :lecture
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