Hot Toys Christopher Reeve DX Superman petition.

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Well you'll have the "returns version" of Supes. It's still a good figure but i'd keep it and then just buy Reeves supes anyway.

The thing is, the 2 in 1 looks nothing like Routh - I'm assuming they only paid to use the image rights a couple of times. The best Routh Superman is the spare head from the Clark Kent Superman plus a V.1 or 2 in 1 body.

This is going to annoy people but I actually prefer Superman III to Returns! I didn't think this could be possible but I caught III on UK TV the other day and I quite liked it - first time I've seen it in 25 years. Yes, there's no main plot, just lots of subplots. Yes, Prior is awful. But the whole Smallville thing and the Superman turning bad thing is done pretty well and Reeve ennobles the whole thing with his amazing performance - he must have known it was a step down from the first two but he still does a great job. I was expecting to see garbage and it was okay.

Next time I watch I and II I might watch III in between I and II and pretend they're a trilogy with III as the middle movie!
Next time I watch I and II I might watch III in between I and II and pretend they're a trilogy with III as the middle movie!

I also caught part III on Channel Five.
It's great in places, weak in others.
I liked Prior even though he was over the top in in some parts.
The Smallville scenes were great and so was the Evil Superman.
The best part of all is Kent vs Evil Superman which has to be one the best scenes in the whole series.
What lets it down is the slapstick, especially the awful intro. The main villain is a poor mans Lex and the computer just seems tagged on at the end.
My favourite way to watch part II is to watch most of Donner's cut, which cuts out most of Lester's Slapstick and brings back Brando. Also Zod and the gang escape because of Luthor's Nuke so I guess I have to watch II straight after part I. Another thing about Donner's cut is Superman sleeps with Lois before he loses his powers, so I guess that would make more sense linking it with Returns.
I have to switch Donner's cut back to Lester's for the end though, because the ending just reuses part 1's
Great to see more confirmation... but like others have said this will be a long wait. I would guess SDCC; or some other large venue will be chosen for a reveal.

And have to agree with Oscorp... this is one you will want to pre-order early. It might not sell out before it ships, but onces its out I can see it becoming quite scarce and expensive on the secondary market.

Just look at the TDK Begins suit... it quickly shot up to $300-$400. I could see a Reeve Superman becoming a grail item.

Believe me, man, on the very day pre-orders start, I'll be there! :monkey5:monkey5:monkey5:monkey5
I keep waiting for the email with the Headshot of CR. I hope it's sooner rather than later, but SDCC sounds about right.
Defo gonna be pre ordering this one. You'd be a fool not too. I only hope that Hot Toys doesn't go back and do a DX on it. I mean it would be a good thing if they did but I hate double dipping. The DX, in my opinion, is only there so that they can release version 1, then make changes and releases as a DX figure. If you get it right in the first place OR just release a Superman DX. I mean in an Hot Toys interview they did say DX is for figures that get extra attention to headsculpt, clothing material and such. Superman deserves a straight up DX version. But I know there gonna churn out numerous versions of a Reeves Superman just because theres enough people out there to keep buying and buying and buying...
I think this should be DX at the first attempt and every effort should be made for it to be the best that it can be - there can obviously be no excuses with regards to reference material. They need to just do a 2 in 1 clark and superman DX with 2 seperate heads - perhaps one primarily to be used for clark but with the ability to remove the glasses and still use it as Superman, or as Clark transforming to supes, and the other as purely Superman
As long as they produce one decent likeness I don't care what they do - they can double dip all they want with this one, I'll buy anything if it's a Reeve Superman. You hear that, Hot Toys?
I'm down for Supes, Clark, Luthor and Zod. Hopefully Superman will be a 2-in-1 deal with Clark head and clothes like the Returns figure.
I could see them making a Clark with the suit underneath like the returns Clark.
I could see them making a Clark with the suit underneath like the returns Clark.

Yeah, I could too. Especially if they do all the other goodies like the trenchcoat, hat, briefcase etc. That could definitely be a stand alone figure.
I really hope they make Lex Luthor, but I have my doubts. I'm sure we'll see Zod though.
I think Zod is a safe bet, along with a black robe Jor-el (with long crystal)
I doubt we'd see Luthor, just because of Gene Hackman rights. I have no idea if he's a stickler about it, but I've never seen Gene Hackman ANYTHING, so I assume so. Plus Hackman Luthor isn't a very visually interesting character. Honestly a Spacey Luthor would be much better imo, with the large white coat and boots instead of Hackman's plaid pants.

As for Clark/Supes 2 in 1, I doubt it. I'd love to see a new muscle suit under the spandex, and in doing that it might make the figure too bulky to have a business suit look right over the Supes costume, so it'd probably be more of a DX Joker situation if anything. Is it even confirmed as a DX or is it just a MM?

Overall the Routh figures just looked weird, because of the body, hopefully they can sort that out. That's the first priority of the figure.
I'm hoping they use something akin to a combination of a smoothed out comedian/wolverine torso and the legs from the vip trutype, and make it about Weskers height.
In fact I'm working on a custom at tha mo, and if I had the $ thats what I'd pull together to use, since I haven't I'm probably gonna resculpt the truetype. Chris Reeves wasn't that bulky really, so no need to go too big.
I just hope they nail the Headsculpt. Would love to see a Zod too, but if not, Mattels (head) is better than most give it credit for (with a repiant-just, check out the prototype pics). A Luthor would be nice too, I agree Spacey rather than Hackman, but both would be nice. They could even do a dx with interchangeable wigs!!
Overall, even though I'm working on a custom, If I get my Definitive Superman figure (at Last!!) , I'll be happy.
I doubt we'd see Luthor, just because of Gene Hackman rights. I have no idea if he's a stickler about it, but I've never seen Gene Hackman ANYTHING, so I assume so. Plus Hackman Luthor isn't a very visually interesting character. Honestly a Spacey Luthor would be much better imo, with the large white coat and boots instead of Hackman's plaid pants.

As for Clark/Supes 2 in 1, I doubt it. I'd love to see a new muscle suit under the spandex, and in doing that it might make the figure too bulky to have a business suit look right over the Supes costume, so it'd probably be more of a DX Joker situation if anything. Is it even confirmed as a DX or is it just a MM?

Overall the Routh figures just looked weird, because of the body, hopefully they can sort that out. That's the first priority of the figure.

Then take a look at the vintage 12" mego Luthor. for a vintage fig, I think it's not bad at all and a very good base for an Hackman custom! :D
I seriously doubt we'll see a Luthor, and if we did the only outfit I like is the prison outfit!

I could see:
Clark Kent (with improved Superman head) and featuring just a shirt with an S logo
Jor El in black robes

The only other one I can think of would be an 'evil' Superman from III with darker suit and stubble.

I cannot see a Lois figure either, but you can bet that we'll see some sweet Margot Kidder customs.

Come on Hot Toys, I'm getting antsy about this!
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