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I was a bit shocked how old he looked on set. Sure we're all getting older, but he's been in the media here and there over these last few years.

But I'm so glad they got his OK and opinion before even doing it. Unlike a certain other individual who disregarded everything Hamill said and knew about the character.

I'm sure he was thinking, "that's my Luke Skywalker".

And to think some people still think Ryan Johnson will get a trilogy. :ROFLMAO: :ROFLMAO:
The last 5 minutes show exactly why Favreau and Filoni are the best people for Star Wars right now.

Mark says he cherishes the fans, Filoni says Star Wars is meant to give you a good feeling, and Favreau says it's something you share with your family on a sofa.

They get it ❤
My favourite part of that was learning that Plo Koon is Dave's favourite Jedi.

Episode 7 wasn't too bad at all... at the time. I'll admit to going and watching it in the cinema 10+ times in that first month. Now I barely even consider it at all. It doesn't have that timeless factor that most Star Wars films and shows have. It was very much of its time, a fun popcorn flick. No real substance. What is there actually in there to go back and take out of it? Definitely not terrible though. Unfortunately, the next film failed to build on it, failed to do any world-building, provided very little connective tissue, provided no real story to build on for the third film, and was just a ''look at how clever, controversial, and divisive I am'' vanity piece from a weird little man. Episode 9 never stood a chance after that. However, yeah there was some nice cinematography and music, Adam Driver was also excellent, so was Mark Hamill despite the complete butchering of his character. That's not enough to hang on to.

Filoni and Favreau have proved that you can make Star Wars everyone loves as long as you remain loyal to what has come before and draw inspiration from it, add in some nostalgia and easter eggs here and there, gradually add some well-loved characters, and keep the story nice and simple. As we say in Yorkshire ''no need to overegg the pudding''.

Sequel trilogy ''rant'' over. Back to the Gallery installment, it was terrific, though surprisingly they kept the advertising for this one very low-key, I only found it by chance while flicking through Disney+. One thing I found weird, and this might only be me, is how little Mark Hamill sounded like Mark Hamill in his interview. Maybe he was suffering from a throat infection.
That explains Plo Koon’s appearances in the Clone Wars and of course Commander Wolffe having the Filoni trademark wolf motif. I really loved Plo’s interactions with Ahsoka the most in the series. He was a wise and helpful Jedi Master, it was great to see him fleshed out since he was little more than a cameo in the prequels.

I suppose part of the issue with ST too is the fact it’s very personal like you said for fans, especially those who saw the OT in theaters. It’s much easier to dismiss the entire ST, the good and the bad than try to give it props for some things. I think part of the irreverence and subverting expectations is trying to overcome the pressure of working on a SW project.

There’s a tremendous respect and love for SW found in the Mandalorian, that is obvious. I think after the Rescue, we all could see what we really wanted from Luke. It’s really hard to let go of all the energy and excitement TFA brought. TFA had promise but then the redo of ANH parallels became more apparent. TLJ was ambitious, crass and tragic while beautifully shot but trampled too hard over its roots. Even though the “kill the past” line is Kylo’s arc not the theme of the film itself, it’s what a lot fans latch onto when thinking about the films lasting impression.

It’s a shame because the characterization between Kylo and Rey is fundamentally changed in this film and it’s believable. Rian really wanted to have the two transcend their limitations as two dimensional pawns in a retelling. And then TROS was just too little, too late and the third act was mostly retread.
This place has always been full of ******* members (my past self probably included, or still am...👀😅).
Haha I'm sure we all were at some point. I know I made a few badly chosen posts in my earlier days on the board and @a-dev set me was in a terminator thread of all things. I didn't know then how much love A-dev has for Terminator and my newb self was spouting nonsense :lol
The last 5 minutes show exactly why Favreau and Filoni are the best people for Star Wars right now.

Mark says he cherishes the fans, Filoni says Star Wars is meant to give you a good feeling, and Favreau says it's something you share with your family on a sofa.

They get it ❤

Mark is almost a totally different guy here and the guy who was uncomfortable during the Episode 8 press tours. It’s one thing for us fans to like/dislike things but it really says something with how obviously unhappy he was with that and how he was clearly trying his best not to sound like he was trashing it. Mark was the complete opposite in this episode.
...the whole Plo Koon deception although it never leaked (even where to some extent they were consciously deceiving themselves) even putting false info and art out there among the crew , to keep Luke's arrival a secret was great!

My favourite part of that was learning that Plo Koon is Dave's favourite Jedi.

That explains Plo Koon’s appearances in the Clone Wars

Although he clearly was not going to be the Jedi who comes to rescue Grogu in the finally .
Seeing Filoni's passion for the character, maybe as a nod to the clever deception and for Filoni, they can somehow make Kloon canonically the Jedi who once suposedly rescued Grogu, back during the Jedi and youngling massacre.
I mean he'd make about as much sense as any other Jedi.
It'd obviously have to be before Kloon is killed, yet maybe before that he had a premonition, so he took the steps to hide him, retroactively making Kloon as the one who did rescue Grogu?
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Mark is almost a totally different guy here and the guy who was uncomfortable during the Episode 8 press tours. It’s one thing for us fans to like/dislike things but it really says something with how obviously unhappy he was with that and how he was clearly trying his best not to sound like he was trashing it. Mark was the complete opposite in this episode.
Makes you wonder if he would still sign that contract AFTER seeing the script. I don't think Carrier cared, just wanted to be acting again (and big money), while Ford was happy to kill his character for those annoying SW fans.
Makes you wonder if he would still sign that contract AFTER seeing the script. I don't think Carrier cared, just wanted to be acting again (and big money), while Ford was happy to kill his character for those annoying SW fans.

You’re right. I think with how I’m sure he was taken aback by being the MacGuffin in Episode 7, plus not knowing there wasn’t even a plan for the trilogy, he probably just tried to make the best of it during filming. He’s a professional after all, if anything.
I guess taking a BIG step back and perhaps giving her a LOT of latitude. George gave her the keys, and she was simply the wrong person. She should have realised that as far as the creative side and found someone like Filoni earlier on.

I still can't forgive her for not having a plan, and forcing all that social justice stuff.

Dude star wars is about social justice stuff since the beggining.

KK biggest mistake was trusting JJ abrams, he was the one to blame for all the problems of the sequels.

You guys knows that RJ and Filoni are the same right? Its strange to see you guys praising Filoni while bashing RJ just because you dont like the story from TLJ.
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Dude star wars is about social justice stuff since the beggining.

KK biggest mistake was trusting JJ abrams, he was the one to blame for all the problems of the sequels.

You guys knows that RJ and Filoni are the same right? Its strange to see you guys praising Filoni while bashing RJ just because you dont like the story from TLJ.

Which popular character did Filoni killed off in a very lack lustre way?
JJ character trope, and story beat just re-did the og, wasn't great (Han's wasted suicide by Brat, got no Luke, Leia reaction, so felt meaningless and uneventful, but at least left people with some new interesting characters, and hopeful and wanting more about who was left from the OT.

Next RJ decided he had to make it not about character, but bringing the attention to his giggly self, by outrageously subverting everything we knew about them and going against character.
So Leia becomes the least inspiring slap-happy weak "leader", and Luke now a coward, instinct is to hide form his friends instead of help, slave to fear , slave to jedi dogma he never once followed, betrays and contradicts everything he was and learned.
These were not forward evolution of characters, these were completley regressive and intentionally contradictory to who they were.
The one story element RJ did create on his own, that wasn't just to subvert what was there, was his drawn out Chihuahuahorse rescue!
Which was complete garbage! Everyone wants to ignore. :lol

So yeah we're left talking about the characters he intently derailed and ruined.
The one thing people actually care about.
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Dude star wars is about social justice stuff since the beggining.

KK biggest mistake was trusting JJ abrams, he was the one to blame for all the problems of the sequels.

You guys knows that RJ and Filoni are the same right? Its strange to see you guys praising Filoni while bashing RJ just because you dont like the story from TLJ.
And I thought theDucky's last post was delusional.

Rian Johnson and Dave Filoni the same? Find me a comparable quote from Filoni to this...

Which popular character did Filoni killed off in a very lack lustre way?
I love Filoni, but just like RJ, they are progressive storytellers, they move forward, never backwards, always incrementing the already existing mythology and creating new concepts.
Just look at how Rebels or the Clone Wars expanded the lore of the main saga, Filoni literally did the most amazing thing and create The World Between Worlds( time travel in star wars) and reworked the midichlorians concept.

But to anwser your question, which character RJ killed in lackluster way? The Luke crait sequence made me cry at the theater, he literally saved the rest of the Resistance with the most Jedi way possible.

JJ did all that: Kill all jedi students offscreen, made Luke self exile without logic, kill all the new Republic, kill Han Solo, made the deserted stormtrooper be a janitor who could not even pilot a ship, remake ANH.
The only reason that people seems to wanting more after TFA is because the whole movie had nothing new, JJ literally did not move forward at all after the opening credits.

Captain_Trips every director or creator, want his work to be talked and discussed after the credits roll, that's why many creators finish their movie with open endings, just the fact that we are discussing about it after 5 years proves that he achieved his goal.
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I love Filoni, but just like RJ, they are progressive storytellers, they move forward, never backwards, always incrementing the already existing mythology and creating new concepts.
Just look how at Rebels or the Clone Wars expanded the lore of the main saga, Filoni literally did the most amazing thing and create the The World Between Worlds( time travel in star wars) and reworked the midichlorians concept.

But to anwser your question, which character RJ killed in lackluster way? The Luke crait sequence made me cry at the theater, he literally saved the rest of the Resistance with the most Jedi way possible.

JJ did all that: Kill all jedi students offscreen, made Luke self exile without logic, kill all the new Republic, kill Han Solo, made the deserted stormtrooper be a janitor who could not even pilot a ship, remake ANH.
The only reason that people seems to wanting more after TFA is because the whole movie had nothing new, JJ literally did not move forward at all after the opening credits.

I'm not defending JJ Abrams but he made the 1st of a 3 movie trilogy. Luke was turned into the state he was in by Abrams. The ball was then passed to RJ and instead of building Luke back up, he killed him off in the 2nd movie of a trilogy.
Every director or creator, want his work to be talked and discussed after the credits roll, that's why many creators finish their movie with open endings, just the fact that we are discussing about it after 5 years proves that he achieved his goal.
Coronavirus will still be talked about in 5 years, does that mean it was a good thing?
I'm not defending JJ Abrams but he made the 1st of a 3 movie trilogy. Luke was turned into the state he was in by Abrams. The ball was then passed to RJ and instead of building Luke back up, he killed him off in the 2nd movie of a trilogy.
Dude RJ rebuild the legend of Luke and gave meaning on why he self exile after Kylo went rogue.
The Mando Luke shows exactly how the status of legend change Luke after ROTJ, he is all formal just like a prequel Jedi, which explain how Palpatine was able to trick Luke and lure Kylo under his wing.

Each movie was supossed to be leaded by one of the OT trio: Han in TFA, Luke in TLJ and Leia in episode 9(by the Trevorrow script).

Coronavirus? Dude we are talking about art, if it survives the proof of time, than it means its good, there is a lot of movies that take time for people to realize their worth, for example: Paul Verhoeven movies.

And I thought theDucky's last post was delusional.

Rian Johnson and Dave Filoni the same? Find me a comparable quote from Filoni to this...

View attachment 536153

If he wants to make subversive politically charged art films on his own that have a limited audience that is his business. If he makes a Star Wars movie that is something else. The only reason he got to do that is Kathleen the idiot Kennedy. Just looking at Johnson's smug round face makes me want to break his nose.
If he wants to make subversive politically charged art films on his own that have a limited audience that is his business. If he makes a Star Wars movie that is something else. The only reason he got to do that is Kathleen the idiot Kennedy. Just looking at Johnson's smug round face makes me want to break his nose.
George Lucas was the one who did "subversive politically charged art films" first with ANH. Star Wars is an is an art film which ironically became a worldwide blockbuster.

TurdFurgunsonsHat maybe, just maybe, you never understand Star Wars at all.

Dude RJ rebuild the legend of Luke and gave meaning on why he self exile after Kylo went rogue.

Rebuilt Luke? gave Luke meaning? :lol Luke wasn't broken, and RJ disparaged all his meaning.

-Luke was a character who didn't follow Jedi dogma, but chose and followed his own path, and moved forward from the cave vision, and in doing so learned from his mistakes (wore his greatest failure as a symbol on his hand), Recognized the two halves of himself, until without fearing what he was, what was a part of him, shut off his saber.
Seeing this act his father could never achieve, saved himself and his father.
This was all forward momentum.

JJ (and his useless magic box) put him open-ended on an Island.

RJ regressed Luke to the cave, worse made him a piece of crap coward who according to RJ somehow forgot everything he learned, used nothing from his own instincts and experience, in fact went against all his instincts, everything he learned and was, and instead regressed him to to a slave to fear and Jedi dogma that somehow created Kylo.
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Coronavirus? Dude we are talking about art, if it survives the proof of time, than it means its good, there is a lot of movies that take time for people to realize their worth, for example: Paul Verhoeven movies.
What evidence is there to suggest it will stand the test of time? The film was hated 5 years ago, 4 years ago, 1 year ago, 1 day ago and so on. It'll still be hated in 5 years time. The film is an irrelevance, even its sequel did its best to contradict it and obliterate it from existence.
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