Hot Toys - DX 34AE - Revenge of the Sith: Anakin Skywalker 1/6 Scale Collectible Figure (Artisan Edition)

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Looks even better in the video. Really hope it’s not an exclusive that’s tough to get

I meeeean if you have either or both of the the HT Chewie figures, you already have a rooted hair figure in your SW collection at this point anyway :monkey3 What’s one more?
Yeah but who has that abomination of a teddy bear. :monkey1


Looks great here. I am wary on how limited and pricey they plan on making this. I think that's going to be the biggest difference between INART and Hot Toys. Due to Hot Toys having a million figures in the pipeline, I feel like they can't afford the time to have it be an open preorder amount. It would be impossible for them to reach this level of fidelity while also making 50 other figures in the background..or maybe it is? Same thing with what we saw with Wonder Woman being limited to 1000 pieces. There's no way this Anakin isn't a $450 limited quantity figure as well but I'd love to be wrong.
Yeah but who has that abomination of a teddy bear. :monkey1

Good thing I have the ANH version 😎

I personally think the ANH Chewbacca is pretty impressive for how old it is at this point. Still one of my favorite pieces actually. Would love a second to have him in more than one of my displays.
Agreed! ANH Chewie is one of my favorite SW pieces. Right now I’d say I can’t see myself upgrading if they make a new one of him, but it all comes down to how much better it looks
While I think this new head sculpt looks great, not sure if it's for me. So far I'm fine with my regular HT Ani, which I still prefer to the Dark Side version.

If I do decide I want this, then I think it's time to admit to myself that I have a problem if I need to start styling my Action Figure Dollies supple hair....

I missed out on both Chewie and Han. Wish those would get a release.

I feel they are missing a really good Han though. That sculpt looks to be lacking compared to recent hot toys just looking at pics and images online of Han.
While I think this new head sculpt looks great, not sure if it's for me. So far I'm fine with my regular HT Ani, which I still prefer to the Dark Side version.

If I do decide I want this, then I think it's time to admit to myself that I have a problem if I need to start styling my Action Figure Dollies supple hair....

You already have a problem…you collect fancy dolls

I never got the love for the dark side version, he literally appears like that for like 2 seconds on screen - he looks like this for 99.99% of the film.
Yea, the sith eyes are cool but I prefer to have him with the normal look as it suits him more. I feel like once you put the hood on him you basically achieve a “dark side” look anyway. I did really like the Mustafar display base though.