Hot Toys - DX 34AE - Revenge of the Sith: Anakin Skywalker 1/6 Scale Collectible Figure (Artisan Edition)

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It's great for us collectors, but it also highlights just how ******* lazy and complacent HT got because they were at the top of the pile. It's about time they started actually trying again, but we could have had these kind of figures a lot sooner. This has made me both excited and pissed off.

It's like looking at my kids and screaming "Do you see what happens when you ******* try!?"
Ok but again, this is going to come at a $150+ premium. I don't want every figure to be $400-$500 because it uses hairs pulled from a dying unicorn.

I'm trying hard not to be a crazy pessimist, and I hope this figure actually turns out great, but how soon do we forget our only real-world example of Hot Toys' new improved wool hair line?

All I’m saying is don’t by the meticulously produced and filtered hype until you see it for real.
I think we need to wait for people to get her in hand and see what they can make of it before writing off these wool-haired figures as "never going to look that good in person" though.
Ok but again, this is going to come at a $150+ premium. I don't want every figure to be $400-$500 because it uses hairs pulled from a dying unicorn.

I think we need to wait for people to get her in hand and see what they can make of it before writing off these wool-haired figures as "never going to look that good in person" though.
Right, I'm just saying the same thing in reverse. We should be cautious in putting these figures up on a pedestal until we see them in had as well.

Heck, except for a few prototype photos and reviews, we don't even know how good these InArt pieces will look in the real world...
Howard went all out for his favorite character.

This figure looks GREAT! This is where HT should have been several years ago... now with InArt nipping at their heels, they finally give it a go and 'try' again. I hope they are proud of this, and keep it up, because this figure (at least in 3 pictures) looks outstanding and could easily stand with InArt.

I say this, as a huge InArt fan and supporter too.

That all said, this still doesn't top InArt Aragorn for the ultimate realism. That proto appears to be the top level at the moment.
I mean I can agree with Hot Toys being complacent. I’m not sure if they really knew the market for more premium figures. Heck I still don’t know if they do. Sixth scale collecting is a niche and stuff like InArt is almost a niche of a niche. It’s the cool new thing but it obviously comes at a price and consumers may not be willing to pay the extra price.
I like this take. I think most of us can agree that solid competition is healthy for this market, but the main goal of these companies isn’t necessarily to sell the *best* product, it’s to actually sell products. It’s not always about what they can do, but what’s most cost effective. If HT shifts their focus to higher quality figures that include the higher price tags, the consumer base will only shrink.
I just hope HT doesn’t continue to stunt innovation of their main figure lines since there’s a chance they’re going to hold back so that their fancier options look that much better.
I doubt they will compete for 'who can deliver the highest price tag'.

I had zero interest in Anakin, until I saw this. I have HT Sith Anakin only. Now, I'm certain I will get this one too.

...or should I wait for the haired Sith Anakin? Oh no...
Gotta love how quickly this thread is turning around with the new pics.

Wasn’t this considered crap, a poor effort to be like InArt, better off keeping your original and laughable that HT would even try a few short hours ago? :lol

Yup looks frickin’ great just like I was saying before these pics. Definite buy! Ppl who want the original will probably now be able to get one heavily discounted on the aftermarket soon.
Yup! BUT, this looks like a real person. Like this is easily their most realistic looking figure ever.
I’d say InArt’s Aragorn still has the edge on this for most realistic looking figure so far. But, that’s in no way putting this down as I would put this right up with it as one of the most real looking officially produced prototypes we’ve seen. Looking forward to the full reveal. Not so much the price BUT it’ll still be cheaper than getting one of the original ROTS heads rooted by a customizer. Plus now we get moving eyes and more importantly, a MUCH improved headsculpt
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Wow, just wow. I was iffy after that first image, but this looks INCREDIBLE. Obviously a lot of things come down to futzing in this hobby and that first image was ..bleh... and if it can get anywhere near these new pics, then it's amazing. I still have both light and dark side Ani and I will 100% get this. The HS is just...unreal. Well done on that
If its limited to 300, it will be hugely expensive and most won't want to spend that money anyway. They will justify it by saying the hair looks stupid and makes it a 'doll' (as if these aren't already dolls).

I can't see Howard wanting to limit this figure. I would think he wants to start a new type of DX line. Maybe an SD line -- for "Super Doll"
If its limited to 300, it will be hugely expensive and most won't want to spend that money anyway. They will justify it by saying the hair looks stupid and makes it a 'doll' (as if these aren't already dolls).

I can't see Howard wanting to limit this figure. I would think he wants to start a new type of DX line. Maybe an SD line -- for "Super Doll"
Didn't Sideshow only get like 300 of the Wonder Woman figures though? There were 1500 "worldwide".
Yeah, I almost think if this is going to be a new line these figures should have a new branding outside of MMS or DX to specify.