They just play the "newb " card when they have nothing better to say...![]()
Well if I called you an attention seeking tard that probably breast fed on your mommy until you were 5 years old, I'd probably get an infraction. So I won't call you that.
They just play the "newb " card when they have nothing better to say...![]()
So are you ordering this figure or not? If not, why are you even in this thread? Go in the Batman/Bruce Wayne exclusive thread and ask when Sideshow will have it up for preorder
As much as I want this figure, I can't justify $250 on something that looks a little off. Especially when compared to the other HT figures being show. But I'll still have some hope for a tweaked sculpt.
You mean "Out with the old, in with the stupid"
Don't bother buddy, he's just trolling people. I've seen him be a tard in other threads as well.
Let the fanboys spin it however they want. At the end of the day they're still spending $250 on something less than 100%
Well if I called you an attention seeking tard that probably breast fed on your mommy until you were 5 years old, I'd probably get an infraction. So I won't call you that.
Anyway, I'm too hot to keep going around in circles.![]()
Awww...some people just can't play nice... And it was until I was 6 years old, but who's counting?
But going around in circles is what this thread is all about!
Glad to see a little love for this figure at least, but why does everything have to turn into a battle between those who like something and those who don't? And why does it always have to degenerate into name calling and insults? Either you like it or you don't...why does everyone feel the need to get everyone to join "their side"? I mean, we have people saying "Vote with your wallets"...I am voting with mine, I POed him day one. I don't have $250 to drop on every figure that comes along, but this one I do. I don't expect others to feel the same way though. It personal preference. No one is going to convince me not to buy it, at the same time, I am not trying to convince anyone else that they should.
I usually don't get into the photoshop business, but it's easier this way in Indy's case.
Here's what I see as wrong and was hoping to see improvements on:
The brevity of my comments might not explain everything; like that the holster is also too large and the wrong shape, or that the shoes didn't really have that large white stitching on top, or that a real braided whip as an idea is cool but the scale makes it look toyish...
I'm fine with the pants and the shirt (which I didn't mention). That's about it really. Everything else, even if you feel it's good enough, is simply inaccurate.
So it isn't JUST the sculpt here. It's a whole array of issues that keep this figure from getting to the level of Sparrow or Joker or Captain American or Superman or Bale Batman...
Even IF they fix the sculpt, this guy still has a lot of 'nits' to pick on.
I usually don't get into the photoshop business, but it's easier this way in Indy's case.
Here's what I see as wrong and was hoping to see improvements on:
The brevity of my comments might not explain everything; like that the holster is also too large and the wrong shape, or that the shoes didn't really have that large white stitching on top, or that a real braided whip as an idea is cool but the scale makes it look toyish...
I'm fine with the pants and the shirt (which I didn't mention). That's about it really. Everything else, even if you feel it's good enough, is simply inaccurate.
So it isn't JUST the sculpt here. It's a whole array of issues that keep this figure from getting to the level of Sparrow or Joker or Captain American or Superman or Bale Batman...
Even IF they fix the sculpt, this guy still has a lot of 'nits' to pick on.
this looks like 1/6 indiana jones with someone writing on him. also i googles jones and every pic that came up his shirt is undone...
Just one man's opinion.
Hey here's an idea!!
Don't buy it!!
athis look that HT is going for is it! ROTLA jones is truly apart of my in the holy grail
Not in Raiders...
Maybe just the Cairo scene without his jacket...