Hot Toys DX05- Indiana Jones (Raiders of the Lost Ark) 1/6 Figure Full Specs + Pics

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It's been re-touched, yes... but you haven't seen the all-digital shot Lucas commissioned ILM to do that Spielberg refused to cut into the movie. Lucas also wanted to re-do all of the Ark ghost stuff, too. Among other things.

And I do think there's a big difference between re-touching and cleaning up shots and actually creating all new ones and adding new FX via CGI. That is the line that Spielberg would not let Lucas cross with RAIDERS.

Sacrilege to touch anything on such a perfect movie of its time.

That said, I'd love to see a list of the changes Lucas wanted, just for fun.

I think cleaning up the reflections on the glass in the cobra scene is a good call. That always made me laugh. There's a couple of those type things which are basically mistakes and would have been fixed back in the day if it were possible, so those I can live with. But imbellishing or extending or changing -- No-no :nono

Certain action movies are just too perfect to fiddle with -- two that come to mind are RAIDERS and DIE HARD.
Yes, Spielberg has made Special Editions of some of his films (CE3K, ET). But the biggest difference between him and Lucas is that Spielberg has always ensured that the original versions also be available, almost always on the same release.

Also, Lucas wanted to add lots of cgi touches to RAIDERS, but Spielberg put his foot down. The only thing he allowed was some minimal matte clean up and things like removing the reflection from the glass in the cobra shot. But even those Lucas had to fight tooth and nail for.

Spielberg will protect RAIDERS and the other INDY films from Lucas' senile tinkering.

And after the stupid E.T. walkie-talkie tinkering, didn't Spielberg say he'd never do anything like that again to any of his movies?
Sacrilege to touch anything on such a perfect movie of its time.

That said, I'd love to see a list of the changes Lucas wanted, just for fun.

I think cleaning up the reflections on the glass in the cobra scene is a good call. That always made me laugh. There's a couple of those type things which are basically mistakes and would have been fixed back in the day if it were possible, so those I can live with. But imbellishing or extending or changing -- No-no :nono

Certain action movies are just too perfect to fiddle with -- two that come to mind are RAIDERS and DIE HARD.

I couldn't agree more, sir. :exactly:

I didn't mind the fixing of the cobra moment at all. (Charming as it was, it always pulled me out of the movie.)

Although one thing I wouldn't mind for the Blu-ray release ... and the purist in me kind of hates myself for even suggesting it ... would be a remixing/remastering of the sound.

Yeah, I feel a little dirty having said that out loud. :monkey4

But ONLY if it didn't fundamentally change anything. It's just that I would love to fully appreciate John Williams' score and Ben Burtt's sound design in the highest possible quality. Between those two guys, this movie is still one of the best sounding films I've ever experienced in a theater. It's like the sound is a character in itself.

And I'd love to feel Indy's signature double-punch sound effects thundering through my subwoofers and rattling my ribs!
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I love how that butcher behind Indy just keeps chopping meat even as this big showdown with the swordsman is going on right in front of him. He's not even paying attention!
And I do think there's a big difference between re-touching and cleaning up shots and actually creating all new ones and adding new FX via CGI. That is the line that Spielberg would not let Lucas cross with RAIDERS.

As much as I love Spielberg for protecting Raiders, I can't help but wonder at what point his balls dropped off while making KOTCS. I remember reading an article way back when the film was first announced with Spielberg promoting his plans to make the film using real stunts/sets/locations. Talk about blindsided.
As much as I love Spielberg for protecting Raiders, I can't help but wonder at what point his balls dropped off while making KOTCS. I remember reading an article way back when the film was first announced with Spielberg promoting his plans to make the film using real stunts/sets/locations. Talk about blindsided.

He did use real stunts, sets, and locations. They even shot the entire movie on actual film stock despite Lucas' insistence on using the digital video cameras.

Were a lot of the FX cgi? Sure. Spielberg has used a lot of cg in his films since JURASSIC PARK. But there were still a lot of practical FX in KOTCS, some that people mistakenly assume are cgi... like the Akator obelisk. That thing was actually created full-size. Same with many of the other set pieces.

Spielberg's lack of balls isn't film techniques but rather things like the fact that in the movie only bad guys use guns. Indy pulls his once in the cemetery but never once fires his hand gun. That's not Indy, and that kind of stuff bothers me much more than nuked fridges and aliens.
You left out cliffside, trans-automobile fencing and Tarzan Williams.
It's better to have Indy all mysterious and delayed, at least there's still hope. Much better than having it released prematurely, ugly, like Hot Toys Alice from the RE series.
You left out cliffside, trans-automobile fencing and Tarzan Williams.

lol! Strangely I didn't have an issue with the swordfighting, but the tarzan stuff I had the hardest time with out of anything in that movie...

Seriously though, the second time I watched it, I enjoyed it much more. Try watching it again without trying to compare it to the others.
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