It's been re-touched, yes... but you haven't seen the all-digital shot Lucas commissioned ILM to do that Spielberg refused to cut into the movie. Lucas also wanted to re-do all of the Ark ghost stuff, too. Among other things.
And I do think there's a big difference between re-touching and cleaning up shots and actually creating all new ones and adding new FX via CGI. That is the line that Spielberg would not let Lucas cross with RAIDERS.
Sacrilege to touch anything on such a perfect movie of its time.
That said, I'd love to see a list of the changes Lucas wanted, just for fun.
I think cleaning up the reflections on the glass in the cobra scene is a good call. That always made me laugh. There's a couple of those type things which are basically mistakes and would have been fixed back in the day if it were possible, so those I can live with. But imbellishing or extending or changing -- No-no

Certain action movies are just too perfect to fiddle with -- two that come to mind are RAIDERS and DIE HARD.