Hot Toys DX05- Indiana Jones (Raiders of the Lost Ark) 1/6 Figure Full Specs + Pics

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I don't have any kind of hate-on for this Indy figure! I have it pre-ordered! I'd STILL like to see improvements made. Especially since I'm kinda locked in at this point.

Even my non-geek fiancee doesn't see Ford in the sculpt.
Nam, I have read all the posts. I just don't get so freaking wound up in HT early release photos. Just about every figure goes through some changes and refinement.

While that is true, most of the refinements occur on figures that aren't this far off the mark. I just don't have faith that HT will do what it takes to turn this foul ball into a home run. It's quite a bit of refinement we're talking about, not just minor adjustments. Instead, based on the fanatical preorders from their fans, I see them saying, as I've already said a few times, "It's good enough."
But still...

10 hands (most for any single figure i believe)

14 for bruce lee.

and the 2nd costume is just a robe.

If everything included was the top notch quality I've come to expect from HT I'd be ok with the price. Sadly, they are not and Indy fans may be stuck with another "close enough" figure.
While that is true, most of the refinements occur on figures that aren't this far off the mark. I just don't have faith that HT will do what it takes to turn this foul ball into a home run. It's quite a bit of refinement we're talking about, not just minor adjustments. Instead, based on the fanatical preorders from their fans, I see them saying, as I've already said a few times, "It's good enough."

I'm inclined to agree. If its done right in the end it'll definitely be the most significantly changed figure from prototype-final product of any we've seen from Hot Toys. I don't see it happening. OK the headsculpt is being redone apparently but A) no guarantee that will be any better and B) Are Hot Toys being sufficiently pressured on the other issues in the places that they visit?

Just my 2 cents on this manipulation even though I'm betting people have moved forward, it's definitely an improvement but I don't know that it's the home run people are claiming. I'd challenge the idea that the whites of his eyes need darkening - one of the things that has often struck me is how brightly white they seem to be in some of the scenes. I think the eye problem is one of shape rather than size - Ford's eyes are more of a variation on a rectangle than an almond which is what HT have done.

It also seems like they've gone with the mouth on a slight angle which is great, "classic" Indy. The problem is that expression doesn't match up to the one they've sculpted around the eyes. Ford's characters read very clearly because his entire face changes with each emotion, and those changes are in sync with each other. The eyes aren't synced with the mouth in this sculpt and it's throwing the likeness.
I'm inclined to agree. If its done right in the end it'll definitely be the most significantly changed figure from prototype-final product of any we've seen from Hot Toys. I don't see it happening. OK the headsculpt is being redone apparently but A) no guarantee that will be any better and B) Are Hot Toys being sufficiently pressured on the other issues in the places that they visit?


I really don't see them doing significant changes before releasing the figure.
The bitter irony though is that for that much, someone could just pick up the Sideshow figure, a TT and spend a little money with you and Sovereign and on a repaint and have a superior figure all the way around.

$50 + $50 + $100 + $65 + $100 = $365

The HT Indy doesn't look as good as it could, but trying to build your own Indy is still WAY more expensive.
You are right. You do need glasses. :)

I thought so. Could you tell me where to get dumb glasses for people the have 20/20 vision? You know, like the ones you are wearing.

I can understand if people say he is not 100% accurate. I can accept if they say its 74%. But to say that he looks nothing like Ford or that there is no likeness, that is 0% accuarcy.

One sculpt that I can agree not looking like the intended character is the bd DX 04 Bruce Lee head. If you ask anyone who that is, they will say it's Harrison Ford. Even if you ask them who it look like, they would still say Harrison Ford.

He ressembles no one but Ford. He still needs some minor tweaking, but the sculpt is almost dead on.
to me, I can see ford if I look for him, but this doesnt strike me as a dead on resemblance to him. Hot toys has done better in terms of hitting the look and essence of a character from prototypes.
Re: indiana

Sculpt looks pretty damn good from this angle, to me, and I don't think it is a coincidence that the wonky hat isn't evident from this angle. Trevor's sculpt also looks better at some angles than others (though I do think it is better overall).

Fix the hat, and the likeness pops out more. Perfect? No. But no figure is 100% perfect. We have to accept "good enough" at a certain point. We just have a different idea of where we are able to accept compromise and where we aren't.
my fellow freaks he's not perfect but almost every figure has flaws. this one has a few. but with that said i still will add this guy to my collection. i do not own a indy so this will be jut fine. the ones i saw a few pages back don't look a good a this one. what's the point if you buy a ss indy for 80 bucks, just to turn around and spend 100 to 200 dollar having it customized to look more like indy. so before you know it your 200 plus into your 80 dollar ss indy. so for the price point on this guy really isn't to bad if you think on what you spend to customize on the other figures out their of him. and hot toys will fix alot of these problems before it's released. i have faith in them. every one knocked beserker, we know he's not perfect but everyone loves him now that he's released. this indy does have issues but it's not a deal breaker for me. and alot of people complaining now will end owning this guy.
At $250 a pop I believe "Good enough" is a ways off yet...for most of us.
Perhaps closer for you though.

Most of us will get parts but not the whole boxed offering I'll wager.
Unless of course the changes are in line with the asking price.
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