Hot Toys DX05- Indiana Jones (Raiders of the Lost Ark) 1/6 Figure Full Specs + Pics

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I find it sad all the complaining and bickering over a toy :)...if you dont like it,dont buy it
Why would anyone pay that kind of $$$ for a 12" figure of Harrison Fords' stunt double?
I am gonna really try and keep a little faith in Hot Toys at this point in time and hope when all is said and done that this turns out to be a great figure when released. :pray:
The forum doesnt deserve to have such a wise member as yourself.

Plus if he actually read any of the complaining he'd have noted that most of the complainants have pretty much said themselves ''if I don't like it, I won't buy it''. They certainly didn't need to hear these sage words from anyone else.

The point of the complaining is to encourage HT to change the figure while theres still time.
The point of the complaining is to encourage HT to change the figure while theres still time.

I totally agree. Why should we roll over and accept everything Hot Toys dishes out. The more we do that, the less interest HT will have in hitting an expected target of quality/accuracy. They should be encouraged to strive for perfection, even if that can never realistically be expected.

At these prices customers shouldn't have to be complacent, or convince themselves that everything's fine.

Love is blind, and I'll admit openly that I'm still trying to convince myself that I can see Harry in the sculpt. Sometimes it's there in one angle, and sometimes it's not. And that just isn't good enough.

The sculpt is just the start of it. The jacket here reminds me of the Hasbro talking Indy...


I'd love to hafe faith that HT will put everything right.
Thats the one pic I've seen where I actually like the jacket.

If it was meant to be a stiff, padded motorcycle jacket, that would be fine.

But Indy's jacket was softer, from long-term wear. The material needs to be thinner to reflect that, but not as thin as Sideshow's.

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I would have laughed at saying 'the point is to encourage improvement' but I think the surprise inclusion of the extra hand on the ToD PF is solid evidence that Sideshow do read this forum and responds to criticism.

The question is, do Hot Toys ?

PS - and man that alternative hand makes the ToD PF 23% more awesome :D
If it was meant to be a stiff, padded motorcycle jacket, that would be fine.

But Indy's jacket was softer, from long-term wear. The material needs to be thinner to reflect that, but not as thin as Sideshow's.


Oh I know. I'm just saying thats the one pic where it reminds me of what it looked like in the film.
The point of the complaining is to encourage HT to change the figure while theres still time.

Agreed. I thought the Sideshow sculpt was great, but the painting job lackluster. This one jsut seems off in many ways. I had been hoping HT would tackle the character, after being blown away by their recent lines "Batman, Terminator, etc). It's my hope, like most of the people here, that HT pays attention to fan feedback, and lets the final product speak for itself.

That being said, i think the whip is all wrong. I have the Toys McCoy Indy and the leather whip jsut looks terrible in miniature form, surely they can do better than this. Sideshow had the right idea with that, i'd love to see HT oneup them. The Jacket is waaayyy too bulky. Whoopie it's leather, if it doesn't sit right on the figure, who cares? The shirt also looks bulky. All of these are problems the McCoy Indy faced, manufacturers should have learned by now.

All that being said, i did reserve a figure. I do hope tweeks are made to justify such a cost. I figure it's easier to eat a $25 cancellation fee than $250 worth of ____ty figure
Many of us, who aren't impressed by this offering, are probably being extra hard on Hot Toys, because our expectation was so much higher to begin with.

We know what they've achieved in the past, and, as an Indy fan first and foremost, it hurts to see the possibility that this opportunity will be wasted. I don't want to be held to ransom to pre-order something that may or may not hit the mark. But there's the psychological fear that if I don't pre-order, then availability will diminish later and prices will rocket. Though, with this figure, and the general reaction to it, availability probably won't be an issue.
Many of us, who aren't impressed by this offering, are probably being extra hard on Hot Toys, because our expectation was so much higher to begin with.

We know what they've achieved in the past, and, as an Indy fan first and foremost, it hurts to see the possibility that this opportunity will be wasted. I don't want to be held to ransom to pre-order something that may or may not hit the mark. But there's the psychological fear that if I don't pre-order, then availability will diminish later and prices will rocket. Though, with this figure, and the general reaction to it, availability probably won't be an issue.

Dont give into fear, fear leads to impulse buying, impulse buying leads to debt, impulse buying leads to bankruptcy, bankruptcy leads to moving back with Mom and Dad.
(Apologies to master Yoda)
Dont give into fear, fear leads to impulse buying, impulse buying leads to debt, impulse buying leads to bankruptcy, bankruptcy leads to moving back with Mom and Dad.
(Apologies to master Yoda)


And neither should we give in to hate and anger, for that leads to the Dark Side!


Constructive complaining is the way forward! :whip
The prices have been increasing quite dramatically lately. I will not be surprised if a DX Superman is priced at $280. In any case, I hope not.

For this DX Indy Figure, it is a nice figure in my opinion and I personally have no complaints over the head sculpt, hat or jacket although I know that they are far from accurate. But despite the fact that I really like this figure, I also feel that it is not worth $250. I guess I will just stick with my Sideshow ROTLA Indy and the polystone Pedestal from the Belloq Ex Edition.
I've gone into this as much as I feel I can at OSW already. I'll add this here though..

Considering this is a DX, it should look like Kuat of Kuat's pic. THAT is Indiana Jones! I'm sure folk won't mind the release date being put back a bit if that's what it takes to get this right. If they know they're getting a top product then they'll be prepared to wait.

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