I find it sad all the complaining and bickering over a toy ...if you dont like it,dont buy it
I find it sad all the complaining and bickering over a toy ...if you dont like it,dont buy it
The forum doesnt deserve to have such a wise member as yourself.
The point of the complaining is to encourage HT to change the figure while theres still time.
Thats the one pic I've seen where I actually like the jacket.
If it was meant to be a stiff, padded motorcycle jacket, that would be fine.
But Indy's jacket was softer, from long-term wear. The material needs to be thinner to reflect that, but not as thin as Sideshow's.
The point of the complaining is to encourage HT to change the figure while theres still time.
Many of us, who aren't impressed by this offering, are probably being extra hard on Hot Toys, because our expectation was so much higher to begin with.
We know what they've achieved in the past, and, as an Indy fan first and foremost, it hurts to see the possibility that this opportunity will be wasted. I don't want to be held to ransom to pre-order something that may or may not hit the mark. But there's the psychological fear that if I don't pre-order, then availability will diminish later and prices will rocket. Though, with this figure, and the general reaction to it, availability probably won't be an issue.
Dont give into fear, fear leads to impulse buying, impulse buying leads to debt, impulse buying leads to bankruptcy, bankruptcy leads to moving back with Mom and Dad.
(Apologies to master Yoda)