Hot Toys DX05- Indiana Jones (Raiders of the Lost Ark) 1/6 Figure Full Specs + Pics

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Toy Anxiety's going to make a killing on loose parts! I call dibs on that little notebook he uses in the map room! ;)
Toy Anxiety's going to make a killing on loose parts! I call dibs on that little notebook he uses in the map room! ;)

Very true,

Their prices are pretty reasonable too. I'm not sure yet which parts, if any, I'm likely to want. I already have, or am getting, the vast majority of custom parts that I need.

You guys realize we are dating ourselves with these references, right? Lol
Unfortunately, yes. And I'm usually the poor sap stuck in line behind those old bitties. :tap

:lol It's worse when they bust out that change purse that could easily double as a clown car with all the ____ing coupons they stuff in it. And by then you're usually sandwiched between her and another lady with 2 carts and 7 kids so there's no helping you when another register opens up. :banghead

A zip up lunchbox! Made of....vinyl! And it had little compartments! :hi5:

Psh, newb.
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