might-of-been discussed before, but anyway... in a way this "DX" feels like a big F-you from Hot Toys, really.
what I mean is, with Sparrow and Indy we got these huge diorama options, that in a way were there to explain the price. and with Bats we got nada? at the same pricepoint?
if you think about it, we should've gotten the gargoyle from the end of the movie or even the batsignal (in perhaps "slightly" smaller scale) to justify the price... what gives?
are the prices again starting to clime up? is the next "DX" that comes with this _____ automatically 300$ or more?
I myself dont do squat w/ the Sparrow rudder or Indy pedistol and backdrop's, I'm just... let's say conserned about the pricing. something ain't right in Gotham City.
oh yeah, maybe I should get these points out of the way...
– maybe the license was more costly?
– maybe the production was more costly, because of the new suit material?
– maybe Jack took a slice?
or maybe just maybe...
– they just ____ed us in the ___ with this figure, smiled and took even bigger slice of our money?
and yes, if it's too pricey just dont buy it.