Hot Toys DX09 - BATMAN - Batman (Michael Keaton) - Specs & Pics

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Those are gauntlet blades. I know a lot of reviewers have been calling them ears. :lol

this pose keeps making me want this figure. Must resist...

Dont resist, just get him. Thats what I did!
You know you want to...

A couple summers ago I had the biggest urge to buy some TMNT popsicles (mainly for the goofy eyes), but the guy didn't have any and I settled for Batman. I was so disappointed that the eyes weren't out of place lol.
It has about a 13 to 18 month shelf life.

my hot toys Deunan and Briareos are still intact after more than 2 years of display. no cracks. no melting. if they start disintegrating next year, i probably won't care. i enjoyed them enough.

having said that, i think this figure can last more than those appleseed ones assuming they have improved the materials significantly so i have no worries.

so excited to have this figure!

and by the way, HT should really revisit/remake Appleseed.
Maybe i can get my bat sprayed with that stuff they use for truck bedliners that stuff last forever and protects but would be like carbonite..
Agreed, there have been some beautiful shots of this figure so far, but that photographer really captures an 89 Baman feel that's lacked in other photos, these definitely speak more to my style.

Looking at your sig I never noticed Rambo ending four as he started in one, army jacket and pack/sleeping bag.
The value with Batman alone is 10x better than their Indiana Jones.

I haven't seen one complaint with this figure yet and nearly every figure looks like a 1/6 scaled Michael Keaton as Bruce Wayne in the Batman suit.

Little diorama cardboard cut outs do nothing for me, hell, the Fortress of Solitude base with Superman will remain in the box forever. So, what else could he have come with that wouldn't be a cardboard cutout? A gargoyle? Why, that hangs off the Joker's leg, not Batman. More gadgets? They gave him everything he is seen using in the film AND more.

So far the selling points of this figure have all been meant,

- Fantastic, arguably the best sculpt Hot Toys has done
- Great, quality cape that nobody expected (still can't believe they included rods)
- Extremely well done gadgets, two of which are just as complex as the film counterparts, i.e. they work
- Improved suit that doesn't hinder articulation

The MAIN selling part is the figure. If this thing was mediocre, like Indy, then yeah, bring on all the pointless extras. But Hot Toys went out of their way to make the FIGURE and gadgets/weapons great. $230-$250 may be steep but from the sound and looks of it, it seems to be completely worth it. The cost of regular MMS figures have reached $200 and they don't come with much, like it or not, that's the norm.
:nono with all that said this should've been an MMS release. none of that justifies the price. and my point, exactly being, was the pricepoint. as said I dont want/ need the useless diorama's & extras as I have no use for them. it could of come with a second head, a Micheal Keaton headsculpt and I wouldn't of used that either, but in a sense that would've justified the price.
I have no complaint about the figure other than the steep price for the amount of stuff we get.
HT knew the demand and cashed in. that's my point. the prices seem again to be creeping up right before our eyes.

going by the lines you just said,
– at one point T1&T2 Arnie was the best thing HT had ever done and the price of those figures wasn't over-compensated. atleast none of us thought so...
– DX01&02 cost was about $200 (I think) w/ the same amount of accessories than this and their price was welcomed w/ horror at the time.
– more recently, in the exact pricepoint "Captain Jack" is loved and considered to being the best thing HT has dished out in years... and that figure did come w/ a lot of unnecessary ____.

so, will the next "DX" release that has these unneeded extras (diorama/cardboard's etc.) be automatically $300 or more?

The value with Batman alone is 10x better than ...
^ but yeah, usually this kinda tirade is exactly the answer one seem to get critisising HT about anything on these boards :1-1:
These bare bone 89 Batman figures cost more than comparable figures because of the license. If not for HT doing them, there would be no mass quantity, legal way to haw figures from this movie, like The Terminator. HT knows they have collectors by the balls and can charge a certain amount higher than other figures and still get people to buy.
These bare bone 89 Batman figures cost more than comparable figures because of the license. If not for HT doing them, there would be no mass quantity, legal way to haw figures from this movie, like The Terminator. HT knows they have collectors by the balls and can charge a certain amount higher than other figures and still get people to buy.
almost exactly what I said (between the lines) in the original post DiFabio refers to...
These bare bone 89 Batman figures cost more than comparable figures because of the license. If not for HT doing them, there would be no mass quantity, legal way to haw figures from this movie, like The Terminator. HT knows they have collectors by the balls and can charge a certain amount higher than other figures and still get people to buy.

Hey as long as they keep coming out with great likenesses like CR Superman and Keaton Bats I'm all for it as a avid collector! As long as I can afford it! Growing up I always wanted collectibles that were this accurate, but alas, never could find the proper choice , because of the technology barriers at the time. It was either something that was screen accurate, but no posability, or a posable piece that was a horrible representation to the character or movie :thud:

Thanks to HT's, I got my dream as a collector! The best of both worlds and I couldn't be happier :yess:
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Hey as long as they keep coming out with great likenesses like CR Superman and Keaton Bats I'm all for it as a avid collector! As long as I can afford it! Growing up I always wanted collectibles that were this accurate, but alas, never could find the proper choice , because of the technology barriers at the time. It was either something that was screen accurate, but no posability, or a posable piece that was a horrible representation to the character or movie :thud:

Thanks to HT's, I got my dream as a collector! The best of both worlds and I couldn't be happier :yess:

I don't like the price hikes, but I accept them anyway because, at least in the case of Batman 89, it means getting figures that mean a lot to me that I could only otherwise dream of. I think HT gets away with it because most of the customers have a deep love for the subject matter and consider them priceless.

In the end, all figures are overpriced, it comes down to how much it is or isn't worth to you.
I don't like the price hikes, but I accept them anyway because, at least in the case of Batman 89, it means getting figures that mean a lot to me that I could only otherwise dream of. I think HT gets away with it because most of the customers have a deep love for the subject matter and consider them priceless.

In the end, all figures are overpriced, it comes down to how much it is or isn't worth to you.

yeah, I've been trying to find a way out of this hobby since 2009, but this^ is the exact fact that keeps dragging me back in (but still... I'd like to pay less). in a word I feel my collection is incomplete.
after this, my wish list still holds a Hot Toys (DH1) John McClane/Tyler Durden/The Dude/Neo... and two of these we will most likely never see.
ofcourse there's a re-issue Predator(1)/Rocky IV&Ivan Drago/Robocop/RAMBO: First Blood Part II, that still hold my intrest, but that's about it...
there are nice sculpts/figures coming left and right, but the licenses hold no nostalgia factor for me and are therefore inferior in my list. I've been kicking myself over a few purchases made solely by the fact that the figure spoke to me without having any real connection to the movie.
Great pics Guyver. Goddamnit i'd talked myself out of this one last week.

Feck it you only live once. Bills can KISS MY ASS

I don't understand how a figure this iconic and awesome could ever be an "easy pass." :dunno

Seriously, that just does not compute... unless you're like in your early twenties or something (a.k.a: blinded by Bale.)


Not everyone adored '89:dunno I wouldn't say it's a bad film at all, it's just I preferred Batman Returns.