i dont think everyone here hates the movie at all, its just a few outspoken nolan nerds and bale heads, same thing as always. those who liked the first one will no doubt like the second. the movie rocks and is certainly unique from the other more "proper" superhero movies with the typically handsome batman, dark but not "too" dark villians and such. i like the movie because its so unique to the other films, which are more commericial. not that Returns didnt have its commercial atypical action movie stuff, but it certainly isnt in the same level. its in its own level alltogether, and much darker then any of the other batmans, even the nolan ones. in fact, i wouldnt even say the nolan movies are really all that "dark", just more serious. i love this film because it balances the light and the dark so well, although bending more towards the dark especially near the end. and obviously if this movie didnt have its own rather large fanbase, HT wouldnt be so eager to make figures from the property. this film is certainly devided amongst the fanbase but i think more people like it then dont. i honestly dont know how you cant love this film when its got the best casting and the darkest storyline and characters that your likely to ever see in a comic book based movie.