Hot Toys DX09 - BATMAN - Batman (Michael Keaton) - Specs & Pics

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You can find one for the 240-270 price range guys, just BE PATIENT.
Continue to bump your WTB threads and search the for sale section. EBay isn't' complete hopeless either.

this is true indeed. been looking for months now and just bought one on ebay out of germany for the nice price of 275$ shipping included.
Agreed. I will pass on this if I cannot get him below $275 shipped which is probably highly unlikely now since the prices skyrocketed due to high demand, low supply. They're coming out with the Batman Returns version soon anyways, but I don't like that suit as much. I guess you have to ultimately prioritize what you want if you have to be cautious with spending like myself and many others here. Can't have it all unless you're crazy rich.
Over here its fairly easy to find with most stores carrying it. It's retail has gone up by about 30% but still sells for less than $200 (equiv).
I'm kind of tempted to get a second one, for the Batmobile, so that it has a resident driver.
This is a rare occasion when in stock figure prices actually go up in stores here.
I got Bats for 1050 rmb, and its now about 1400. After saying that, this may reflective of the exchange rate only, as these are made in HK and the HK$ floats with the US$. Regardless, its price has increased compared to say Supes. He was a similar 1050 when he came out, but now can be found as low as 800.
Other price shifting I noticed. The 89 Batmobile has dropped in price slightly, whilst the Tumbler now sells at up to 1000 more than it, which in some cases is twice its original price.
You'll have to let me know how the deal goes. I've always been weary of ordering from Overseas.

i've had a lot of luck with the figurine. i live in Belgium, so it's easy for me to have trust in it. got the shippingscode (track and trace) today, should be here within 2 day's.
could u post a link i searched and all i found was joker

Link now says, product not available
I swear it was yesterday, I tried to post the link but it said it needed mod approval
That's where I got my fig

I still have the guys email if you would like it, he did a good job of taking pics of the box, box wrapped, then label on it
Let me know
Link now says, product not available
I swear it was yesterday, I tried to post the link but it said it needed mod approval
That's where I got my fig

I still have the guys email if you would like it, he did a good job of taking pics of the box, box wrapped, then label on it
Let me know

If you could pm me his address that would be great.... The only 89 Batman I found was one for $475
Thanks and bought!!! Are the extra hand pegs hard to come by??

Grats, guess you won't be needing the info after all

I'm gonna try to post some pics of the foot issue I'm having with mine
I'm worried that the foot joint somehow broke as I cannot get it back on
Thanks.... I plan on getting Joker next and then Mime Joker... I have high hopes that they will hopefully atleast show off Returns figures by next year comic con... But Not holding my breath.