1/6 Hot Toys - Endgame - Captain America (Special Edition)

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Surrpsied this one is already out. The regular version isn't even released till next year.
Imagine all the potential from this suit being wasted like this... This isn't what we deservd from the final Cap.

I can't believe HT released this figure like this. Such a shame. It looks like a bootleg.
This reminds me of an interview from long ago, when Howard Chan said he once slept on the factory floor for 3 days just to perfect the design of a walkie talkie intended for his first 1/6 scale military-inspired figure.

Obsessive passion and attention to detail is no longer consistent with Hot Toys. And it's sad that their founder has allowed this to happen.
As someone mentioned, it’s difficult to fathom how they botched this figure being that they pretty much already had the template on how to correctly convey this design in 1/6 scale with IW Cap.

Imo, EG Cap (at least this release, the final regular version has yet to be seen but I’d imagine it’ll pretty much be this same figure with the additional un-helmeted sculpt) is three steps backwards, as not including the concept version, I personally think the IW, CW, and AoU Caps are better than it. I’ve always felt that AoU Cap has an underrated body, as I personally really see Evans’s physique in that figure. Evans is undoubtedly a muscular guy, but he has a very lean frame; he’s not overly bulky. Over time, the upper torso on CW Cap to me has come to look a bit too bulky to accurately convey his physique. Same with this figure. AoU Cap, Concept Cap, and IW Cap I think all convey it well.
Agreed. Just ridiculous from hot toys. It seemed accurate based on how he held it in promo shots, but no way he can hold it correctly based on these straps.

It's not just inaccurate, it's completely illogical too. If anyone held the broken shield like this in real life, it's just going to flop around from within your grip. I guess we can't expect this HT crew to understand physics if they can't even use their eyes.
Have to admit waist up looks square and blocky with a small star and pencil neck....oh and the broken shield sigh.

IW Cap neck and head looks so much better proportionate wise.

Oh well hopefully they will read my post and correct the issues lol

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The broken shield and the star don't really bother me that much tbh.
But I admit that the proportion of the chest and the shoulder could be reworked.

Those who already own previous Caps thinking this one is a failure: be happy. Your Cap is still the ultimate Cap. Money saved this time. Maybe there will be a perfect Endgame Cap v2 sometime in the future, who knows :wink1:

For me, knowing this one is not perfect, it's my first Cap. It's the Endgame Cap. And I don't have crazy money for the previous Caps. Easy decision :)
What a mess this turned out to be. Do they not take pride in their work anymore? I'm pretty liberal with how I buy hot toys figures of MCU characters, but this is borderline unacceptable. Standing upright in a museum pose, this thing looks like a lazy attempt at a kit-bash...Now I do realize this version was likely VERY rushed, but I really hope they bother to make the necessary improvements to the final version, because at this rate I kinda don't even want it if they're just going to phone it in like this lackluster attempt.

The fact that this pathetic "special" version is going for so much just shows the state of this hobby at the moment. Everyone just wants to have that "It's expensive now!!!!" trophy to flaunt regardless of what's in the box. I wonder how many "collectors" bought Neon Iron Man 2.0 expecting to make a quick buck on a "rare" figure. :lol

P.S. Even if this version does hit sideshow at some point, I'm going to pass on it as I do not care about after-market value nor accessories that have no business being included with him... When the price tag is the most impressive thing about a figure, you have to ask yourself if you're in the hobby for the right reasons. I certainly wouldn't be impressed to see this in any collection, regardless of how limited or expensive it is.
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What a mess this turned out to be. Do they not take pride in their work anymore? I'm pretty liberal with how I buy hot toys figures of MCU characters, but this is borderline unacceptable. Standing upright in a museum pose, this thing looks like a lazy attempt at a kit-bash...Now I do realize this version was likely VERY rushed, but I really hope they bother to make the necessary improvements to the final version, because at this rate I kinda don't even want it if they're just going to phone it in like this lackluster attempt.

The fact that this pathetic "special" version is going for so much just shows the state of this hobby at the moment. Everyone just wants to have that "It's expensive now" trophy to flaunt regardless of what's in the box. I wonder how many "collectors" bought Neon Iron Man 2.0 expecting to make a quick buck on a "rare" figure. :lol

Well said.

Ive just taken delivery of a DX13 and its such a stark (wahey) reminder back to Hot Toy's glory days.

This figure needs some serious work before its released, but the fact they're happy to release this 'special edition' shows their standards are way below what they use to be.
Do they not take pride in their work anymore?

I'm holding out hope that they still have some pride left in what they put out and they will end up fixing the main release. But I feel you're right about the state of the hobby and it enables Hot Toys to do what they are doing with this figure. It's quantity over quality now. They don't really have the incentive to get things right like they used to.
The proportions are just enough off that it looks strange. What’s going on with the slowly increasing heights of HT figures?
I'm holding out hope that they still have some pride left in what they put out and they will end up fixing the main release. But I feel you're right about the state of the hobby and it enables Hot Toys to do what they are doing with this figure. It's quantity over quality now. They don't really have the incentive to get things right like they used to.

Well I still see them putting a ton of effort into new figures (just look at the incredible sculpt and detail of the BD 85), but for some reason with this one their attitude appeared to be "Eh it's Cap, people will buy it no matter what we throw out there". Which is really baffling.
Well I still see them putting a ton of effort into new figures (just look at the incredible sculpt and detail of the BD 85), but for some reason with this one their attitude appeared to be "Eh it's Cap, people will buy it no matter what we throw out there". Which is really baffling.

Iron Man usually gets the A treatment. I'm not saying they're doing this on all figures, but there are numerous examples of figures where you could say they cut some corners. None were quite as bad as this. They're putting out too many figures now to get them all near perfect.
What?s the consensus on the HT EG Thor I haven?t been keeping up on his progress is he accurate to the movie or is he suffering from neglect disease like Cap here.

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