Hot Toys Falconer Predator Figure (now with full spec and pics)

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Fuss by the few, but the majority were ecstatic and still are with it. A single prototype photo next to classic predator isn't hyping things up very much. The specs always stated 14"and the rest of the photos pretty much showed us what we are getting now. Maybe the classic shown was shorter than P1. Anyway, they said that the product might be different to the one that was shown. And for the better, I think.

Nopes. Been to their Facebook? A lot of people complained. They wouldn't send out that half-a$$ed apology if it was just a small fuzz. Also, the one shown IS the P1. So I really don't think they'll make a miniature P1 just for that photoshoot. And if they did, then THAT'S more evidence of false advertisement.

"A single prototype photo next to classic predator isn't hyping things up very much. "

Yes it is, especially if you plaster in "Realistic and Accurate" to the ad. That's hyping. Can you think of ANY reason why they'll show that pic?

"Anyway, they said that the product might be different to the one that was shown. And for the better, I think."

Count the number of people who said that vs. the multitude who has already stated otherwise. No, you don't count as 1,000 people.
That's your opinion. Most of the posts on facebook are by the same people, so we can cut that 140 in half.

This is what I actually said:

"Fuss by the few, but the majority were ecstatic and still are with it. A single prototype photo next to classic predator isn't hyping things up very much. The specs always stated 14"and the rest of the photos pretty much showed us what we are getting now. Maybe the classic shown was shorter than P1. Anyway, they said that the product might be different to the one that was shown. And for the better, I think."
They should never have bothered with a comparison photo of the height difference between the two predators.
That's your opinion. Most of the posts on facebook are by the same people, so we can cut that 140 in half.

This is what I actually said:

"Fuss by the few, but the majority were ecstatic and still are with it. A single prototype photo next to classic predator isn't hyping things up very much. The specs always stated 14"and the rest of the photos pretty much showed us what we are getting now. Maybe the classic shown was shorter than P1. Anyway, they said that the product might be different to the one that was shown. And for the better, I think."

Could be, but evidences do speak for themselves. And even if you say that they're posted by the same people (which isn't entirely true), you could still count the number of people who found nothing wrong and the numbers would still prove your assessment wrong.

They should never have bothered with a comparison photo of the height difference between the two predators.

True. Any way they slice it, they deceived their customers. I sincerely hope it's something they won't do again, but I doubt it. No company that is dominant in a certain market ever failed to resort to ****** bag tactics as time went on.

It's really quite sad that they did this tactic to the Predators line. I was on the verge of collecting this line completely. IMHO, these new Predator figures are inferior to their past figures except in aesthetics. More so this one since we'll be getting a Pred with a molded bio for the first time. Not HT's fault since Fox didn't approve the removable bio (and I think I can speculate why), but from what I remember, this is priced similarly to Berserker. Frankly, it's way too much for what we're going to get.
Give us a break... :lol Yes, the fact do speak for themselves, not the anti Hot Toys spin you're trying your best to perpetuate.

Give us a break... :lol Yes, the fact do speak for themselves, not the anti Hot Toys spin you're trying your best to perpetuate.


ooookay. so, care to share evidences that support your statements? Because you keep stating there are "fact" but don't provide them. Well, clearly because all you're saying is entirely opinionated as well (and flawed ones at that IMHO). Also, I'm not entirely anti-HT. Look at my posts and reviews and I continually praised them. But unlike you, I'm not blind to the fact that HT played an underhanded tactic on us with this figure. Many see this.

Well we say that now...clearly they wish they hadn't done it.

True that. They even took out the Falconer proto from their display most likely to save themselves from further flak because of theat height fiasco.
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ooookay. so, care to share evidences that support your statements? Because you keep stating there are "fact" but don't provide them. Well, clearly because all you're saying is entirely opinionated as well (and flawed ones at that IMHO). Also, I'm not entirely anti-HT. Look at my posts and reviews and I continually praised them. But unlike you, I'm not blind to the fact that HT played an underhanded tactic on us with this figure. Many see this.

Don't take my word for it, check out the Hot Toys photos and specifications... They have always stated the same thing and even give a disclaimer stating that 'prototype shown, product may be slightly different'.
When did they say that? Where does it say that? :dunno

It is kind of implied because no company likes to have a decent amount of customers _____ing about their product on their Facebook page. And we say it was a bad idea because we have something that shows that the prototype is larger than the final product. How you didn't get that is beyond me. :dunno
I think it's safe to say that Hot Toys has more customers than that small vocal minority. Research the names that posted complaints... Fakebook isn't exactly known for it's it's authenticity.

Did I say that was all of HT's customers? No, I didn't, but any type of bad publicity, be it from someone you deem to be credible or not, is not good for a company. HT's is most likely not worrying too bad about sales and what not, but still not liking the negative comments that are derived from one picture that they posted. And how is it not known for authenticity? Please elaborate on that, and I will not research your argument for you. If you have details on people then post them, it is not my job to defend both of our positions.
When did they say that? Where does it say that? :dunno

Did they not remove the size comparison photo from their site? I thought I read someone saying that they did but I'm not going there to check because the last time I did it damn near killed my computer and forced a Windows reinstall.
Well it wouldn't load the homepage and instead tried to install some java thingamjig. A few moments later I got 2 threat detections that I didn't get a chance to read before the laptop shut down. :dunno I wasn't looking at porn at the time, honest.
Did they not remove the size comparison photo from their site? I thought I read someone saying that they did but I'm not going there to check because the last time I did it damn near killed my computer and forced a Windows reinstall.

BTW, were you able to get that fixed via the Repair Install?

I'm also getting a warning from my browser whenever I try to go to HT's site. I hope they're aware that their site's got infected. I'm actually surprised that they haven't fixed their site until now, especially considering that their website is one of their major marketing tools.
Unfortunately no. It had to be a full reinstall. I don't think the g/f had much on it to lose though - she doesn't seem too pi$$ed off at any rate!