Hot Toys Falconer Predator Figure (now with full spec and pics)

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To be honest Im not surprised by such a circumstances :dunno
Imo reaction from HotToys would be:

You wants falcon??? You got it!!!
Details are out of the questions.
So stfu and buy our cool s___.
Lmao. Yep sounds like Hot Toys, the italic writing really does it too.
I DO like the Falcon and indeed I'm buying the figure,but for the size of it I can't see why they didn't include a 'perched' sculpt of it as well, similar to how they had the folded and open bow on Abigail Whistler ?

Kindest regards
I DO like the Falcon and indeed I'm buying the figure,but for the size of it I can't see why they didn't include a 'perched' sculpt of it as well, similar to how they had the folded and open bow on Abigail Whistler ?

Kindest regards
Yeah, i don't get that either. I mean, for $200 how hard is it?
Yeah, i don't get that either. I mean, for $200 how hard is it?
Not hard at all. Thats why people get upset with them because everyone knows HT is an amazing company that can sculpt anything but they fall short on the little things that matter.
People want the falcon to attatch to his arm because he's called the 'Falconer'. He's wearing some kind of glove, put two and two together, falcon and glove.

I don't mind, though. Shoulder is good enough for me!

I think that is the basic idea. To go with the real world falconers. With such a name its all we can really think.

Just like calling a predator archer - you immediately think of a predator with a bow and arrow.

Cue someone mentioning some movie character with the same name in .....

As for the comments on high price and low accessory count, I think HT are seeing if the name alone will sell. Trying the market on buying a product purely because of them making it and the quality of the "main part" the figure it self.
I think that is the basic idea. To go with the real world falconers. With such a name its all we can really think.

Just like calling a predator archer - you immediately think of a predator with a bow and arrow.

Cue someone mentioning some movie character with the same name in .....

As for the comments on high price and low accessory count, I think HT are seeing if the name alone will sell. Trying the market on buying a product purely because of them making it and the quality of the "main part" the figure it self.

I am happy with the quality of Hot Toys and the monopoly power HT has on the quality itself. It makes HT Product outstanding. But on the other hand this may make them cocky and forget about customer's satisfaction. That's true that for $200 the accessories and the box are much worse compare to previous preds.

I really hope the body, material, and paint jobs really top all of those changes. :) Nonetheless, I will try to be happy with whatever preds I will be getting from them. Hope they deliver.
I hope with all issues from Berserker and that fact that it has been made very public, that HT take a step back and rethink this style of approach to a huge licence.
What other issues does Berserker have besides the height change? Are you talking about the lack of accessories and stuff? I need to know because Im getting mine soon.
What other issues does Berserker have besides the height change? Are you talking about the lack of accessories and stuff? I need to know because Im getting mine soon.
The head, dreads, lack of articulation (although i don't find that one to be much of an issue..). Honestly, if they had just made the head accurate i'd have been fine with it.. Still getting him though.
lol yeah that accurate head would have made a lot of thsoe "issues" disappear. Im still getting him too. I hope HT comes out with a 100% accurate berserker figure one day.
Normally I'm not a fan of battle-damage (my BD P2 always gets 'the look' when I pass him by), but since I sold my HT P1 and want to have a nice Predators display, a Classic would be ideal. Plus, they've come miles from where they started. Bet they could make some decent-looking blood for a change.
Tracker was probably my favorite out of the 3. I can't wait to see him. I'd really like a Isabelle as well, but probably isn't going to happen.
Even with the small head (which isn't too bad since it's one whole piece, like Falconer), Tracker would look SICK! I friggin' love his body armor. Looks like jade or something. HT would do an amazing job there, I just know it. Especially on that armor plate that's on his back, with sort of a turquoise color. If they don't butcher the color scheme, all those straps and beautiful Oriental-esque kit would look fantastic next to the others.