Hot Toys Falconer Predator Figure (now with full spec and pics)

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Take off the "smart" part and you're right! LOL j/k :wave

<a href="" target="_blank"><img src="" border="0" alt="Photobucket"></a>

Fair enough. I'll let you guys continue talking about your rods. :nana:
<a href="" target="_blank"><img src="" border="0" alt="Photobucket"></a>
Getting a little carried away with the vibrancy of the greeen, aren't they?
I kinda thought that too. The movie costume had more of an olive drab color. Still I really like the vibrant green. It just looks, I dunno, sexier or something.

It looks less dull to me and I like that look. Thank god it isn't ____ing Lost Predator green though. He looked like vomit.
It didn't attach to his forearm in the movie, so why would you expect it to with this figure?

Yeah, I never understood why people expected that. Even with NECA, the customs show the Falconer attaching to the arm. Shoulder's all that matters, people ;).
Originally, I thought the frickin' thing came off of Falconer's mask.

Mainly because we never had a good look at the falcon and the way the Falconer's mask looks...seemed plausible to the time.
People want the falcon to attatch to his arm because he's called the 'Falconer'. He's wearing some kind of glove, put two and two together, falcon and glove.

I don't mind, though. Shoulder is good enough for me!
From the photos of the Falcon and the Falconer, it doesn't look like it going to fit opened winged on his shoulder. hence the reason they put in on a rod.
To be honest Im not surprised by such a circumstances :dunno
Imo reaction from HotToys would be:

You wants falcon??? You got it!!!
Details are out of the questions.
So stfu and buy our cool s___.