Hot Toys - Iron Man 2:Mark IV Limited Edition spec

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I haven't been able to log on for the last couple days and just saw koolop's post about BBTS having more at retail, and then sold out instantly. Just checked BBTS again and was able to grab one at $199.99 + $10.99 for shipping. Not retail, but I feel like a great deal nontheless. I now have my back-up. I hope they get more Mark VI's also.
I haven't been able to log on for the last couple days and just saw koolop's post about BBTS having more at retail, and then sold out instantly. Just checked BBTS again and was able to grab one at $199.99 + $10.99 for shipping. Not retail, but I feel like a great deal nontheless. I now have my back-up. I hope they get more Mark VI's also.

My second Mark IV just shipped. :yess:

I'll display one with the Tony Stark head and one without.
So I wanted to put together a Tony Stark figure using the Tony Stark head that was included with the Mark IV and uh...I was wondering if anyone with more experience could help me out with some questions?

I bought a true type body with narrow shoulders for him...are they suppose to be this short? Well, I guess it only looks short standing next to the suits and I suppose it looks about right for RDJ's height...

So I suppose my biggest problem then is the neck attached to the Tony Stark head. I thought I could pop the neck off and switch it with a taller neck but uh...that thing will not come off. I tried putting it in hot water and pulled with all my might but that thing is really stuck in there. Can it come off? I mean, I guess it can because others have done a neck mod or something to make it look there a secret or something to getting it off ?

lol wow...I've been put to shame by a figure. I got a hairdryer and put more muscle into it and popped it off finally :yess:

Thanks guys!

...but now I feel so weak :slap

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I deserve it :(

Someone give me some good montage music! I'm gonna train my body until it's in perfect hot toys neck popping condition!!
Another one for crying out loud!

Damn dude, scale your junk down.

Somebody do something about this for god sake. This "I'm a lazy bastrd can't be arsed to scale down my photos" is becoming the normal around here.

Do we have 100 inch tv's? I'm sure those people have them at their disposal. ¬_¬
I use flickr, so I upload the original size and am conveniently provided a nice range of sizes. I usually post the 1024px one, I have a 27" (2560 × 1440) screen though.
On most browsers ... the forum page settings auto resize pictures (though it fully loads the pic)..... It's more of a bandwidth constrain to most....