end of the month still :'(
The waiting is KILLING ME! I had to go out and buy something ... something...anything...... to keep me distracted
Wonder if they gonna try a Nick fury somewhere in the mix. Only seem inevitable for this figure to be made since Sam "Nick Fury" Jackson is set to be in at least, the next 4 Marvel movies including
Even if they dont, doubt it would take much to kitbash on using the Octopus head sculpt from the spirit line
Depending on the size of his part, may be saved for one of the other films or something
end of the month still :'(
The waiting is KILLING ME! I had to go out and buy something ... something...anything...... to keep me distracted
This will be my 1st HT fig
This will be my 1st HT fig
Aight...thanks. What d'you get?
Don't do it. You will be sucked into an endless, revolving void of continuous purchases....sometimes even figures from movies that you don't even like.
Geil...by the way, any word on the BD IM from Toys2?
Cant wait to get this guy.